Béatrice, comtesse de Hainaut
Research Notes:
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Beatricem" as daughter of "Rainero comiti de Hainaco" and his wife Hedwige, naming her husband "Ebalus de Roceio". The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis gives more details, naming "Beatricem" as daughter of "Hadevidem…comitissam Hainonensium" and specifying that she married "Ebalus de Roceio, cuius frater fuit Lebaldus de Malla et soror Iveta comitissa de Roitest" and later "Manasses cui agnomen Calva-asina". 1
Marriage Information:
Béatrice married Ebles I, comte de Roucy, Archbishop of Reims, son of Giselbert, comte de Roucy et de Reims, and Unknown [de Poitiers]. (Ebles I, comte de Roucy died on 11 May 1033.)
Marriage Information:
Béatrice also married Manassès de Ramerupt, vidame de Reims, son of Hildouin III, seigneur de Ramerupt, comte de Montdidier, and Lesceline, about 1021. (Manassès de Ramerupt died after 4 Feb 1031.)