William Oxenham (1864-1932) |
William Oxenham
1 Western Australia, Department of Attorney General, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages, Reg. # 138.
2 Ibid, Reg. # 5.
3 Ibid, Reg. # 2.
4 Aged 9 months at the 1871 England Census.
5 England and Wales Birth Registration Index, 1837-2008, Redruth district, 3rd Quarter, vol. 5c, p. 255.
6 Western Australia, Department of Attorney General, Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages, Reg. # 1697 (daughter of Stephen Thomas & Elizabeth Cocking).
7 Ibid, Reg. # 24851.
8 Ibid, Reg. # 57.
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