[Lucy] was the granddaughter of “Adam de Brus”.... It is not known whether this was Adam [I] or Adam [II].
Her family origin is indicated by the following document: a charter dated 1232, recording donations to the monks of Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte residing at the priory of la Luthumière, states that “Guillaume du Hommet concessionnaire de la Luthumière” had married “Luce, héritière des biens d’Adam de Bruys, son aïeul”. "Lucia de Humetis" donated revenue from land at Bradecroft, near Stamford to Southwick priory, Lincolnshire, for the souls of "domini mei Willelmi de Humetis et Ricardi filii mei", by charter dated to the late 12th century, witnessed by "Jordano de Humetis, Ricardo de Humetis, Baudewino Wac…Bartholomeo de Mortuo mari..:Willelmo de Sae, Henrico de Humetis fratre suo…". “Lucia uxor domini Willielmi de Humet constabularii domini regis” donated "terra mea de Bradecrofd" to Stanford Nunnery, with the consent of "domini mei Willielmi et Ricardi filii mei", by undated charter witnessed by "Jordano de Humet, Ricardo de Humet, Willielmo de Sae, Henrico fratre suo…". “Willelmus de Humeto domini regis constabularius” donated “totam terram meam in Lengronia” to Aulnay Sainte-Marie, with the consent of “filiorum meorum...Richardi de Humeto et Willelmi et Henrici et Jordani et Thomæ et Enguerranni”, for the souls of “meæ, patris et matris meæ et Luciæ uxoris meæ”, by charter dated 1190. It is unclear from the wording of this document whether Lucy was alive or deceased at the time. 1