Her marriage is confirmed by the undated charter under which her son "Archimbaldus, illius Archimbaldi filius qui ecclesiam de Monticulo construxit, et filius Bderrud" donated "ecclesiam…Mons Cenobii…in honore sancti Ursini" to the church of Bourges by undated charter, although it is clear that "Bderrud" must be a misread transcription. 1
Marriage Information:
Beletrud married Seigneur Archambaud III "le Jeune" DE BOURBON, son of Seigneur Archambaud II "le Vieux" DE BOURBON and Ermengardis. (Archambaud III "le Jeune" DE BOURBON was born about 1000 in Bourbon-l'Archambault, Allier, Bourbonnais/Auvergne, France and died on 16 Aug 1078.)