A number of secondary sources show Archambaud's wife as Philippa d'Auvergne (aka Béliarde) but offer no explanation concerning the two different names.
"Archimbaldus, illius Archimbaldi filius qui ecclesiam de Monticulo construxit, et filius Bderrud" donated "ecclesiam…Mons Cenobii…in honore sancti Ursini" to the church of Bourges, with the consent of "…Beliardis uxoris suæ…", by undated charter. "Erchambaldus princeps Borbonensis et Petrus Primellus atque uxor illius Belsadis…" donated the church of Neuville to the chapter of Saint-Ursin de Bourges by charter dated to [1078/95], the signatory part of the document confirming precise family relationships in the donor's family by naming "Erchambaldus princeps uxorque eius Belardis…". 2