Alfred Augustus CLARIDGE
Elizabeth Martha ROWLAND
Robert Dunley GOODRIDGE
Louisa Paxton ADAMS
Cuthbert Rowland CLARIDGE of Semaphore
Effie Lucena GOODRIDGE
Gweneth Jean CLARIDGE


Family Links

Laurence Robert ANDERSON

Gweneth Jean CLARIDGE

  • Born: 9 Sep 1914, Findon Rd., Findon, S.A., Australia 2
  • Married: 13 Sep 1941, Methodist Church, Pirie St., Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1
  • Died: Unknown

   Research Notes:

" CLARIDGE (nee Goodridge).—On the 9th September, at Findon-road. Findon, to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Claridge—a daughter (Gweneth Jean)."

The Advertiser (Adelaide), Saturday 26 September 1914

   Marriage Information:

Gweneth married Laurence Robert ANDERSON, son of R. A. ANDERSON and Unknown, on 13 Sep 1941 in Methodist Church, Pirie St., Adelaide, S.A., Australia 1. (Laurence Robert ANDERSON died on an unknown date.)

   Marriage Notes:

"The engagement is announced of Gweneth Jean, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Claridge, of Unley, to Laurence Robert, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Anderson, of Parkside."


"The marriage of Gweneth J, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs C R. Clarldge. of Virginia: to Lawrence R., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Anderson, of Parkside, will be solemnised at the Pirie street Methodist Church, on Saturday, the 13th of September, at 2.30 pm."


1 The Advertiser (Adelaide), Saturday 14 September 1940, Saturday 6 September 1941.

2 South Australia BDM, South Australian Births 1907 - 1928. Book : 944 Page : 437 District : PtA.

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