Ernest Richard Beer
- Born: 1881
- Married: 1904, Boulder, W.A., Australia 1
- Died: 10 Jul 1938, Cannington, Perth, W.A., Australia 2 3
- Buried: 11 Jul 1938, Karrakatta Cemetery, Cannington, Perth, W.A., Australia 3
Research Notes:
Ernest Richard Beer, late of Cannington, died aged 57 years (cemetery record).
"FUNERAL. The Late Mr. Ernest R. Beer. The funeral of the late Mr. Ernest Richard Beer, of Albany-road, Cannington, took place on Friday afternoon last in the Wesleyan portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery. The late Mr. Beer leaves a widow, three sons, one daughter and four grandchildren. The Rev. Mr. Sanders. of Victoria Park, conducted the service at the graveside. The chief mourners . were Mrs. E R. Beer (wife). Ern, Reg and Ken (sons), May (daughter), George Mason (son-in-law). Flo and Vera (daughters-in-law) and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer (brother and sister-in-law). The pall-bearers were Messrs. C. Parkinson, F. Mason, T. Jones, C. Perry, J. Hicks and C. Noonan. Among those present were:-Messrs. B. Roberts. L. Trembath. H. Hooks, W. Williams (senr.) W. Clements, W. Williams (Jun.). M. Phillips, J. Thomas, B. Smith, S. Devreaux. I. Hewson. W. J. Batt. F. Rodges. W. Smith (R.A.O.B. Regent Lodge). S. Keals (R.A.O.B. Regent Lodge). IL C. Hicks (secretary R.A.O.B. Regent Lodge). -. J. M. Hedley (R.A.O.B. Regent Lodge). A. O. Wheatley. P. Waite. J. W. Holden (G. Wood. Son and Co.). J. T. Davern (Richard Holmes), J. Kelly, C. B. Hood, W. OlIver. J. Hay, W. O'Hara. L. Mathews (Dun lop. Ltd.), P. McEwan, S. Davldson, W. Mc Ewan, L. S. Roberts. R. 8. Germon, W. Tur ner, D. Shepherd. R. Shepherd, R. P. Doney. E. P. Browne and S. Roberts; Mesdames A. Clements, L. Trembath. H. Hooks, 8. Shields, A. Gorey. C. Perry. M. Phillip, J. Thomas. H. CG. ackshaw. S. Kent. E. F. Browne, W. J. Batt. C. G. Bell. S. Poley, 8. Roberts and F. Fitzpatrick; Misses P. Williams, H. Clc ments and O. McIntosh. Numerous beautiful wreaths and floral tributes were received. The funeral arrangements were carried out by J. L. WVatkins and Sons." 4
Marriage Information:
Ernest married Lily Abraham, daughter of Thomas Abraham and Susan Jane Quintrell, in 1904 in Boulder, W.A., Australia 1. (Lily Abraham was born on 7 Jun 1882 in Cross Roads near Moonta, S.A., Australia 5, died on 1 Jun 1959 in Cannington, Perth, W.A., Australia 6 7 and was buried in Karrakatta Cemetery, Cannington, Perth, W.A., Australia.)