Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated 3 Mar 1070 under which her son-in-law "Rainaldus filius Roberti Burgundionis et uxor mea Eunoguena filia Roberti de Vitreio, nata de ipsius legali coniuge filia…Warini, naturalis hæredis et domini Credonensis honoris" confirmed the possession of "ecclesia Sancti Clementis…apud Credonum" to La Trinité de Vendôme. Le Baud names her “Berthe”. The primary source which confirms her name has not been identified.... The charter dated 3 Mar 1070 suggests that --- de Craon may have died before that date, otherwise it is unclear why she would not have issued the charter in her own name (together with her husband, who was still living). The issue is not free from all doubt as the phrase "domini Credonensis honoris" in the document appears to apply to "Warini", not to Renaud. Nevertheless, the fact that Renaud inherited Craon through his wife indicates that Enoguen must have been the sole heir of Robert de Vitré’s marriage to the heiress of Craon and that his other children, whose possible inheritance of Craon never seems to have been raised, were born from a different marriage. Her son-in-law is named "Raynaldus castri Credonensis dominus" in a charter dated 26 Jan 1078, which demonstrates that his mother-in-law must certainly have died by then. 1