"Alanus vicecomes de Rohan...cum uxore mea Constancia" founded Bonrepos abbey for his own burial and that of "Alanus filius meus", with the consent of “Alano filio meo”, and donated property “in Britannia et in Anglia...in episcopate Eliensi...ecclesiam de Fuleburne...”, witnessed by “Herveo de Leon, Herveo filio Comitis...”, a second version of the document dated 20 Jun 1184 recording the consent of “Alano et Guillelmo filiis meis”, and a third version, undated, the consent of “Margarita et Ælizia filiabus meis” (witnessed by “Eudone filio Comitis, Henrico fratre eius, Herveo de Leuns, Daniele Senescallo, Galterio filio Ruelloni...”).
Comte de Porhoët. "Eudo filius comitis" granted rights to the prior of Saint-Martin by charter dated 1225.
The name of Eudes's first wife is not known. This first marriage is indicated because Marguerite, the known wife of Eudes [III], is referred to as his widow but not as mother of his children in the charter dated Nov 1248.... If Marguerite had been their mother, the omission would be surprising as Eudes´s surviving children are also named in the document. The chronology of the family suggests that the marriage of Eudes and the mother of his daughters must have taken place when he was already old. If that is correct, there may have been an even earlier marriage which was childless. 1