Nova Promissa per Hubertum Cantuariensem Archiepiscopum.
Hugo Putrel deb. v.m. pro habendo recto de quarto parte feodi ij militum in Barton et Werkesleia versus Editham et Lescelinam et Matildam per plegium Roberti Greslei....
DE TERTIO SCUTAGIO.—The third Scutage of the army in Normandy was both assessed and collected during the fiscal year ending at Michaelmas, 1196.
NOVA PROMISA PER HUBERTUM CANTUAR. ARCHIEP.—Hugh Purceil proffers 5 marks for a writ of right to determine between himself and Edith, Lescelina and Matilda de Barton, who was the rightful tenant of the fourth part of two knights' fees in Barton and Worsley. Robert Grelley, of whose fief the said fees were members, was the said Hugh's pledge for the prosecution of the plea. An entry in the Testa de Nevill, Vol. II., fol. 822, and the record of a suit depending in the Curia Regis, on the quinzaine of Easter, 4 John, suggest the following explanation of the above entry:—That one Matthew had been mesne tenant under Robert Grelley of two knights' fees in Barton, Worsley and Worthington; that Hugh Purnell had married one of the four daughters and heiresses of the said Matthew, and was at this time seeking to obtain against the other three co-heiresses, a recognition of his right in one fourth part of the estate. 2