The province of Galloway included part of Dumfriesshire as well as the earldom of Carrick. Contemporary charters, especially those included in the Liber Sancte Marie de Melros, show that the Norman settlers seem to have obtained "a more insecure footing" in Galloway that in other districts in Scotland, as after two or three generations their names disappear from the documentation where Gaelic names resume their predominance.
Lord of Galloway. "…Fergus de Galweia…Uchtred filio Fergus" witnessed a charter dated to [1136] by which "David Rex Scotiæ" granted Perdeyc to the church of Glasgow. "…Fgus de Galweia…" witnessed the undated charter under which David I King of Scotland donated "decimam meam de meo Chan" to the church of Glasgow. 1