"Defuncto…Guethenoco…filius eius Goscelinus" donated property to the abbey of Redon, by charter dated [1066/82], witnessed by "filius eius Maenguis episcopus, et Rogerius et Eudo et alii filii eius".
Vicomte de Porhoët. "Fredoricus vicecomes…Eudonis vicecomitis filii Goscellini…" witnessed the charter dated 14 Jul 1086 under which "Alanus Fergandus comes Britannie" confirmed the foundation of the priory of Saint-Florent sous Dol "in pago Redonensi". "Eudonus vicecomes" donated property to the abbey of Redon, for the soul of "coniunx…Anna" and with the consent of "filiis eius Goscelino primogenito", by charter dated 1092. 1