"…Neis fil Wil, Constantino fratre suo…" witnessed the undated charter under which Malcolm IV King of Scotland donated "Ledmaedunegil" to Dunfermline monastery. "…Nes filio Willmi…" witnessed the undated charter under which property in "villa de Bolgyne" was donated to St Andrew’s priory. "…Nees filio Willi…" witnessed the undated charter under which Malcolm IV King of Scotland confirmed the donation of "ecclesiam…in Kilrimund cum terra Kindargog" to St Andrew’s priory. "…Nes filio Willi…" witnessed the undated charter, probably dated to the start of his reign, under which William King of Scotland confirmed the property of St Andrew’s priory. "Morgrundus comes de Mar" donated "ecclesiam sancti M’Huluoch de Tharuelund" to St Andrew’s priory, for the souls of "Agnetis comitisse sponse mee", by undated charter, witnessed by "…Dunecano comite de Fif, Marleswano, Nesio filio Willi, Galfredo de Maleuill…". "…Nesio filio Willi…" witnessed the undated charter, dated to after [1170], under which William King of Scotland confirmed the donation of "ecclesiam de Sconin" to St Andrew’s priory. "Nesius filius Willi et Orabile filia sua heres" donated "ecclesiam de Losresc" to St Andrew’s priory by undated charter. "Nesius filius Willelmi" donated "ecclesiam de Lochres" to St Andrew’s priory by undated charter witnessed by "Dunecano comite de Fif…Adam filio Dunec et Horabili sponsa sua…". William King of Scotland confirmed donations to St Andrew’s priory, including the donation of "ecclesiam de Louchref" by "Neisi filii Willi", by undated charter.
The name of Nes’s wife is not known. 1