Aubrey I de Vere, Sheriff of Berkshire
(Bef 1040-Abt 1112)
Gilbert fitz Richard de Clare, Earl of Hertford
(Bef 1066-1117)
Adelisa de Clermont
(Abt 1072-1117)
Aubrey II de Vere, Sheriff of London
(Bef 1090-1141)
Adelisa de Clare
(Abt 1092-1163)
Adelisa de Vere
(-Aft 1185)


Family Links

1. Robert de Essex, Lord of Rayleigh
2. Roger fitz Richard, 1st Baron of Warkworth

Adelisa de Vere

  • Born: Hedingham Castle, Essex, England
  • Married (1):
  • Married (2):
  • Died: After 1185, Abbey Walden, Saffron Walden, Norfolk, England

  Research Notes:

Leland quotes a Vere manuscript which names "Albericus de Ver pater meus…Adeliza filia Gilberti de Clare" and "Adeliza de Estsexa, filia Alberici Ver et Adelizæ" who married "Rogerus filius Richardi, nepos comitis Hugonis Bigot". “Roesia comitissa” donated property to Colne priory, for the souls of “patris mei Alberici et Gaufridi domini mei”, by undated charter, witnessed by “…Willielmo de Veer, Adelisa de Veer, Adelisa de Essexa”. The Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 records property “Arenho” held by “Alicia de Essex…lx annorum…amita comitis Willelmi et soror comitis Albrici”, adding that she had “ii filios milites et i filiam maritatam Johanni Constabulario Cestrie”. The same source, in another passage, records that “Alicia de Essex…est iiii.xx annorum” (presumably indicating "4 x 20 years" i.e. 80, which appears to be a more accurate assessment than the statement in the earlier passage that she was 60 years old, given the general chronology of these families) and held “Clavering sicut dotem suam, de feodo Henrici de Essex”, adding that she had “ii filios milites" and land "in comitatu Norhamton…de feodo comitis Willelmi". 1

  Marriage Information:

Adelisa married Robert de Essex, Lord of Rayleigh, son of Robert FitzSwein de Essex, Lord of Rayleigh, and Gunnor Bigod. (Robert de Essex died between 1132 and 1140.)

  Marriage Information:

Adelisa also married Roger fitz Richard, 1st Baron of Warkworth. (Roger fitz Richard died in 1178.)


1 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands: Adelisa de Vere.

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