Sir Henry de Pembrugge
(Abt 1205-Aft 1254)
Joan fitz Warin
(-Aft 1258)
Godfrey de Gamages
Alda (Auda)
Henry de Pembrugge
(Est 1230-1271)
Elizabeth de Gamages
(Est 1230-1309)
Sir John de Pembrugge
(Abt 1265-1331)


Family Links


Sir John de Pembrugge, Knt.

  • Born: Abt 1265, Pembrugge, Kingston, Herefordshire, England
  • Married:
  • Died: Shortly before 14 Jan 1331, Pembrugge, Kingston, Herefordshire, England


  Research Notes:

23 Oct 1291, Abergavenny

Simply protection, for one year, for John de Penebrugg.

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edw. I, vol. 2, p. 447


12 Nov 1291, Worcester

Enrolment of agreement made, on Monday the morrow of St. Martin, 19 Edward, between Roger Ragun and John de Pennebrugge, whereby Roger is bound to pay to John his attorney at Poston for John's life 40s. yearly, for which Roger grants him power of distraint. In consideration of this grant John has released to Roger all his right in the lands in Poston that John had for life of the demise of Sibyl de Schydymore. Witnesses: Sir Roger le Rous, Sir Henry de Solariis, Sir John de Kirkecote, knights; Walter de Evereuse, Bartholomew de Anesye, Henry de Penebrugge, Richard de Cleaungre, Walter Ragun, and John de Huntelawe.
Memorandum, that Roger came into chancery and acknowledged this deed, and prayed it might be enrolled; and granted that the money shall be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hereford.

Calendar of Close Rolls, 19 Edw. I, p. 205


24 Jan 1297, Bury St. Edmunds

Letters for the said Hugh [Purcel], nominating John de Pembrugg his attorney in Ireland for two years.

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edw. I, vol. 3, p. 230


10 Jun 1301, Beverley

Licence, after inquisition ad quod damnum made by the sheriff of Gloucester and in consideration of a fine made by the feoffee before W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, the treasurer, for John de Penebrugge to enfeoff Edward his brother of 10 marks of rent in Meune, held in chief.

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edw. I, vol. 3, p. 598


Aged 40 years and more in 1306 and heir to his brother Edward....

27 May 1306, Westminster

To Walter to Glouc[estria], escheator this side Trent. Order to cause John de Penbrugg, brother of Edward de Penbrugg, to have seisin of 18 marks yearly of rent in Moene, co. Gloucester, as the king learns by an inquisition taken by the escheator that Edward at his death held the rent of the king by the service of a quarter of a knight's fee of the gift and feoffment of the said John, and that Edward died without an heir of his body, so that the rent ought to revert to John by the form of the gift, and the king has taken John's homage for the rent.

Calendar of Close Rolls, 34 Edw. I, p. 387


Aged 40 years and more in 1309 and heir to his mother Elizabeth....

6 Aug 1309, Thorpwaterville

Order to [the escheator on this side Trent] to deliver to John de Pembrigg, son and heir of Elizabeth de Pembrigg, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said mother, he having done homage

Calendar of Fine Rolls, 3 Edw. II, p. 47


5 Jun 1318, Northampton

Pardon to Fulk de Penbrugge for acquiring in fee without licence from John de Penbrugge the manor of Mune, held in chief. By fine of 100s.

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edw. II, vol. 3, p. 168


12 Feb 1322, Gloucester

[Pardon to] William de Cleaungre of Hereford by fine of 20l. for communicating with John de Penebrugg [a contrariant].

Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edw. II, vol. 4, p. 64

23 Mar 1322, Pontrefract

To the sheriff of Hereford. Order to restore to John de Penebrugg his lands, goods and chattels, which the king lately ordered the sheriff to take into his hands.

Calendar of Close Rolls, 15 Edw. II, p. 433


11 Jan 1325, Tutbury

Commission to John de Penebrugge and Roger Pychard, in the room of Richard de Baskervill and John de Barewe, who were appointed to select 100 out of 400 footmen already arrayed in the county of Hereford, but who cannot attend to the business.

Calendar of Patent Rolls, 18 Edw. II, p. 85



Description: Petitioners: Peter de Grantsoun, Roger Pychard and John de Penebrugge.
Date: Between 25 Dec 1325 and the end of the reign of Edward II.
Name(s): de Grantsoun; Pychard; de Penebrugge, Peter; Roger; John
Addressees: King.
Nature of request: Peter de Grantsoun, Roger Pychard and John de Penebrugge state that they were appointed to array the people of Herefordshire according to the statute of Winchester, and to do various other things ordained in the late parliament at Westminster, and that in fulfilment of this they have ordered the Sheriff of Herefordshire to summon people to hold an inquiry, but that he has told the people that their commission does not extend so far as to compel them to put their seals to the inquiry, and he has told them that the inquiry is worthless without seals. They ask the King to tell them his will, and what he wants them to do to carry out his command. They also state that the King has given them power to punish the rebellious, and that Richard Monyword, chosen as one of the constables of Hereford, and to array the people and do other things according to the statute of Winchester, has refused to appear before them. They have made process to the Bailiff of Hereford to attach his body and to seize his goods and chattels until the King has told his will on this matter. They therefore ask the King for his will on this matter.

UK National Archives, reference SC 8/234/11677.


14 Jan 1331, Westminster

Order to [the escheator on this side Trent] to take into the king's hand the lands late of John de Pembrigge, tenant in chief.

Calendar of Fine Rolls, 4 Edw. III, p. 218

12 Feb 1331, Langley

Order to the escheator on this side Trent,—pursuant to an inquisition made by Robert Seliman, late escheator, shewing that John de Penebrigg held in his demesne as of fee the hamlet of Bowered and Eton in chief by service of rendering at the Exchequer a pair of gilt spurs worth 6d. by the hands of the sheriff of Hereford, and that he held no other lands in chief as of the crown whereby the wardship of his lands should pertain at present to the king, but held divers other lands of divers other lords by divers services, and that Edward de Penebrigg, his son, is his next heir and of full age,—to deliver to the said Edward the said lands, he having done fealty, saving to Alice late the wife of John her dower.

Calendar of Fine Rolls, 5 Edw. III, p. 234


Inquisition Post Mortem

380. John de Penebrug

Writ (missing)

Hereford. Inq. 4 February, 5 Edward III. [1330/1]

Bouwered and Eton. The hamlets (extents given), held of the king in chief, by service of rendering a pair of gilt spurs price 6d. at the king's exchequer, by the hands of the sheriff of Hereford.

Borwehulle. The hamlet (extent given), held of the earl of Hereford by service of doing suit at his court of Brheynoke every month.

Edward his son, aged 26 years, is his next heir.

C. Edw. III. File 28. (18.) 1

  Marriage Information:

John married Alice.


1Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, Vol. VII, Edward III, p. 272.

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