Morgan "Hen" ab Owain
Elen ferch Rhodri
Ithel ap Morgan of Morgannwg
Gwrgan ab Ithel of Morgannwg


Family Links

1. Nest ferch Gwyn

2. . . . ferch Cynfyn

Gwrgan ab Ithel of Morgannwg

  • Died: 1030

  Research Notes:

GWRGANT (AB ITHEL) a prince who succeeded to the throne of Glamorgan, A.D. 994, and died in 1030. Caraduwg of Llangarvan says of him that he was a wise and peaceful prince, and gave lands to the poor for ever, and gave protection and privilege to every cultivator of land, giving them a voice in all national assemblies, and a freedom from serving any offices against their consent. (Myv. Arch, ii. 506.) A saying of Gwrgant's is preserved in "Chwedlau y Doethion," Hast thou heard the saying of Gwrgan, the renowned king of Morganwg? God is on the side of every merciful person. 1 2


[Llandaff] Charter 258... records the grant by Gwrgan ab Ithel of Uilla Tref Ginhill, to Saints Dyfrig, Teilo and Euddogwy, and to Bishop Joseph, for Gwrgan's soul. It is dated by Davies ca. 1038....
Gwyrgan is of little help for dating purposes. Bishop Joseph, if he is part of the original record, might provide a terminus ante quem of ca. 1045, the date of his death. There are no other dating indications. 3

  Marriage Information:

Gwrgan purportedly first married Nest ferch Gwyn.

  Marriage Information:

Gwrgan also married . . . ferch Cynfyn.


1 Iolo Manuscripts. A selection of ancient Welsh manuscripts, in prose and verse, from the collection made by the late Edward Williams, Iolo Morganwg, for the purpose of forming a continuation of the Myfyrian archaeology; and subsequently proposed as materials for a new History of Wales: with English translations and notes, 1848, 662

2 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Chapter 6, KINGS and PRINCES of GLAMORGAN, SOUTH WALES, GWRGAN son of Ithel ap Morgan of Glamorgan, citing The Gwentian Chronicle, pp. 41, 47, 53

3 Ireland, Wales, and England in the Eleventh Century, K. L. Maund, p. 192, citing Davies, Llandaff Charters, p. 127.

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