Dafydd ab Ieuan
Joan ferch John
Morgan Gwyn ap John
Unknown ferch Dafydd
Ieuan ap Dafydd of Castell Nedd
Lleucu ferch Morgan Gwyn
Dafydd ab Ieuan of Castell Nedd, Esq.
(Est 1500-1568)


Family Links

Catrin Vaughan

  • Lleision Evans of Castell Nedd
  • Maude Evans
  • Elizabeth Evans
  • Agnes Evans
  • Katherine Evans
  • Mary Evans+

Dafydd ab Ieuan of Castell Nedd, Esq. 1

  • Born: Est 1500
  • Died: 1568, Neath, Glamorgan, Wales

   Generally called David Evans.

  General Notes:

Compiler's 10 x great-grandfather

  Research Notes:

Born probably between 1500 and 1510.


David Evans (or Jevans), Esq., of the Great House, Neath, Glamorgan, Wales, Burgess (M.P.) for Cardiff Borough, 1553-4, 1559, joint Attorney-General for Glamorgan, 1555-68, Attorney-General for Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pembrokeshire, 1559-68, Sheriff of Glamorgan, 1562-3, son of heir 2


Will of David Evans of Llandaff, written 2 Feb 1567/8, proved 8 May 1568. 3

[Paragraphed for easier reading. Due to the text in places being smudged or otherwise difficult to determine, some words, particularly names of people and places have been placed in square brackets to indicate the transcription may not be completely accurate]

In the Name of God amen the seconde daye of Februarie in the yere of our Lorde god one thousand fyve hundred threescore and seven and in the tenthe yere of the raigne of our soveraigne ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Quene of Englande France and Irelande Defender of the faithe I David Evans of Naithe within the Dioces of Landaff in the countie of Glamorgan Esquier beinge sycke in bodye and hole in mynde and remembrance consideringe all men to be mortall Death inevytable and the howre uncertaine leste my tyme of Dissol--- approchethe Do make my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge, That is to saye

First I commend my sowle to almightye god and the holye companye of Heaven and my bodie to be buryed in Chrystene burialle

Item I give and bequeathe thre poundes syx shillinges eyght pennce to be distributed amonges the poore

Item I give and bequeathe towardes the reparacione and . . . . . . . up of the churche and steple of Naithe Fortie shillinges

Item I give and bequeathe towardes the reparacion saint [illands] churche vis. eyght pennce

Item I give and bequeathe to my brother Jenkyn the amblynge coulte that I bowght of . . . . . . . Hoell Leyson

Item I give and bequeathe to my aunt Jonett one cowe

Item I give and bequeathe to Hopkyn my man one heyfre of two yeres olde

Item I give and bequeathe to my brother Morgan my amblinge Baye mare

Item I give and bequeathe to Jonet vch Harry my neese in the howse syx heyfres of two yeres of age

Item I give and bequeathe to Richard Amyas my clerke my graye nagge

Item I give and bequeathe to Ellen vch Holl my maide two heyfres of two yeres olde

Item I give and bequeathe to [Ienn] Howell the boye in my howse one heyfre of two yeres olde

Item I give and bequeathe to Thomas Morgan the boye in my howse two heyfres of two yeres olde

Item I give and bequeathe to my aunt Jone one cowe

Item I give and bequeathe to Jone vch . . . . . . . my neese two heyfres of two yeres olde

Item I give and bequeathe to Elizabeth vch John my neese one heyfre of two yeres olde

Item I give and bequeathe to Gwenllian vch [Jane] my base syster the one moytie of the howse and garden to the same adioyninge where Ienn Corrnyshe nowe Dwelleth Durynge her naturall lyfe and after the said Ienn Decease I do give and bequeathe her duringe her naturall the other moytie of the saide howse and garden

Item I give and bequeathe to the saide Gwenllyan syx shillinges eyght pennce yearly to be paid unto her at every feaste of saint Michaell the archangell Duringe the terme of her naturall lyfe and that in defaulte of payment thereof yerely at the said feaste to her by my sonne Leyson to be made that it shalbe lawfull for her in all and singular the lands and tenements which I suffer Discend to hym to [enter] and therefor the saide rent to distreigne and the same Distres so taken to Dryve leade and carry awaye the same to . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . untill the sayde yerely rent and the [arrerages] thereof Yf anye happen to be fullye to her contented and payde

Item I give and bequeathe to my mother Duringe her naturall lyfe one close called [caydynter] and one acre of grounde called [Dunrega] Bache and one close by the [gryne] called the Caye Bache. And also my parte and porcion of one meadowe called Gwyneth Beghan and my terme Duringe my said mothers naturall lyfe upon the residewe of the said meadowe

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide mother Duringe her naturall lyfe halfe one acre of haye in Cadoxton Marche that I have of the Demyse and grannte of one Alson vch [Phe]

Item I give and bequeathe to Rees ap John my man a cowe and a horse which horse ys with Ienn up Richard at whyte crosse

Item I give and bequeathe to Katherin my wiffe the howse wherein my mother nowe dwelleth with the newe howse barne cowe howse gardens and Backesides . . . . . . . to the same Belonginge and adioyninge after my saide mothers decease

Item I give and bequeathe to her my saide wife after my said mothers Decease my terme and Interest of thre Quarters of arable landes to the saide Gardenes and backsides adioyninge beinge parte and parcell of Hopkyn [Chachepolles] landes

Item I give and bequeathe to her my sayd wyfe after my saide mothers Decease one close to the [same] adioyninge called [mydyntor]

Item I give and bequeathe to my sayd wyfe fower closes whereof the one is called [longland] the other two the olde Dyches and the fowerth [laie] in the handes of Ienn . . . . . . . togeather wyth halfe an acre of grounde to the saide olde Dyches adioyninge that I bowghte of John Jenn [gyllo] mellyn

Item I give and bequeathe to my sayde wyfe two acres of arable landes whereof the one is called [erowe vanre] and the other called [erowe vache] to the same adioyninge

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wife fouer acres of arable landes called [Ells lande . . . . . . .] and [Erdue powlte Chame]

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wife a howse a barne and a acre of grounde nowe in the terme and occupacion of Leyson ap Howell glover

Item I give and bequeathe to said wife thre howses a garden the moytye of the [Littelclose] and one Parcell of grounde called Yelowaerchen vache and my terme and Interest upon the other moytye nowe in the terme of John ap Hoell glover

Item I give and bequeathe to sayde wyfe one howse and a garden to the same adioyninge nowe in the terme and occupacion of John Whitte

Item I give and bequeathe to to my saide wife one tenement of grounde nowe in the terme of Jenkyn ap Ienn

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wyfe one tenement of lande nowe in the terme of Llew David Howell Lleyson

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wyfe one tenement of landes nowe in the terme of Thomas [Lyvett...]

Item I give and bequeathe to to my saide wife my parte and porcion of twoe tenementes of landes nowe in the terme of Thomas ap Ienn gitto with one percell of Lande nowe also in his terme which I bowghte of David Hullyn

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wiffe two acres of meadowe lyenge in gwen Havedre which I bowghte of William Walter To have and to holde all and singuler the premisses to her Duringe naturall lyfe

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wiffe Duringe my mothers naturall lyfe Yf my saide wife so longe do live and remayne a widowe my mancion howse wherein I do now Dwell with the backe howse bruehowse two barnes stable cowehowse gardens and backe sides to the same belonginge and appertayninge

Item I give and bequeathe to my sayde wyfe Duringe her widowe hood my terme and Interest that I have upon the tythinge chefe of the towne feilds and to the fowerth parte that I have of the griste mill at melyn... Orethan...

Item I give and bequeathe to my sayde wyfe all the Interest and terme of yeres that I have of and in one percell of meadowe comonlye called and knowen by the name of [Ytowa----in] vawre Yf she so longe lyve and remayne a widowe

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wife Duringe her widowe hood the moytie of the Fyshinge of the ryver of naithe and the other moytie thereof I do give and bequeathe to my cosen Leyson Prees untill my sonne accomplishe the age of twentie one yeres

Item I give and bequeathe to my sayde wife the thirde parte of all my beddinge and . . . . . . .

Item I give and bequeathe unto my said wyffe Duringe her wydowehoode the thirde parte of the residewe of all my housholde stuffe my plate onelie excepted upon condicion that she do fynde good and sufficient suertyes to my said sonne for the redyliverye thereof unto hym or in hys Defalte to suche of my Daughters as shalbe lyvinge ymmediattelye after her entermariage and yf she do not entermary then at the tyme of her Decease

Item I further gyve and bequeathe to my saide wyfe upon the lyke condicion Duringe her wydowe hood my lesser sylver salte with halfe a Dozen sylver spones marked with my name and a goblet and a boll of sylver to the valew of tenne poundes to be bowght and Delivered unto her by my overseers

Item my mynde and will is that she upon bondes founde as aforesaide to my said sonne for the redilyverye to my said sone or yssew of his bodye begotten the residewe of my plate and howsholde stuffe when my saide sonne cometh to the age of twentye one yeeres and yf he dye with out yssew before he cometh to the said age then to suche of my Daughters as shalbe lyvinge and to the issewe of suche of them as then shalbe deade yf anye suche be equally betwene them to be devided that she my saide wife shall have the use and occupacion of the saide residewe of my plate and housholde stuffe yf she so longe remayne a widowe

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wife all the Interest and bargaine that I have for terme of yeres of in and upon the rectorye and churche of Neathe yf she so longe remayne a widowe The tythinge lambes and tythinge calves thereof onely excepted

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wife all my bargaine and Interest that I have of in and upon the gryst mill of Clyadache

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wife all my corne as well in my howse and barnes as also in the grounde upon condicion that she do paye to Edward [Mannxell] Esquier of the ferme of Whitte Crosse Fyftie busshelles of barley

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wife the blacke nagge that she is used to ryde upon and my blacke horse and two other workinge horses that are about the howse

Item I give and bequeathe unto saide wyfe all my cheiffe and larder that I kylled this yere and all my swyne

Item I give and bequeathe to her my saide wyfe twentie fower kyne syx oxenn and an hundred shepe

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide wife yf she be and remayne a widowe at Michaelmas next sixe steres of fower yeres olde or six barren kyne at her . . . . . . . and twelve weathers whole wolled of thre yeres olde towardes the provysione of larder to her and my children the next yere

Item further I give and bequeathe to my saide wyfe yerely Duringe her wydowe hood fower steres or heyfres for the provysione of larder towarde the releife of her and my children

Item I give and bequeathe unto her my saide wife towarde the releefe and mayntaynance of her and her children twentie busshelles of salte Provided alwayes that if my saide wife at anye tyme hereafter do pretend any right title or interest to anye other my lands tenements goodes or cattelles other then is afore to her bequeathed by waye of Joyniture Dowrye or other wayes that then all and singular my legaceis and bequests heretofore to her made and bequeathed shalbe utterlye and merely voyde frustratt and of none effect

Item I give and bequeathe to Ienn up Leyson my nephewe twentie markes upon condicion that he . . . . . . . no man in his behalfe name right tytle or Interest or by his procurement do hereafter pretende or chalenge any righte title or intereste to anye goode or Cattelle that anye tyme were my fathers or his fathers or mothers nor sue vexe molest nor ympleade any . . . . . . . for the same nor for anye penaltie concernynge the same

Item I give and bequeathe to olde John Kyte of Burye Head twentie shillinges

Item I give and bequeathe to my Daughter Maude towarde the preferment of her marriadge two hundred poundes whereof one hundreth poundes to be payde at the Feast of all sayntes next and the other hundreth poundes at the Feaste of all sayntes then next followinge Upon condicion that she marye and take to husbande my cosen Leyson Prees Otherwyse she to have my terme of the grannge of Whytte Crosse xxxtie kyne six oxen and foure hundreth shepe

Item I give and bequeathe to my saide Daughter Mawde twelve oxen fower steeres of foure yeres olde and an hundred shepe of a yere olde the saide shepe to be paide at Maye come twelve moneth upon the lyke condicion

Item I give and bequeathe to my Daughter Elizabeth thirtie kyne two hundred shepe tenn heyfres of thre yere olde and Twentie syx poundes thirtene shillinges fower pennce in monye the saide monye to be paide unto her the Daye of her mariage

Item I gyve and bequeathe to to my Daughter Agnes thirtie kyne two hundreth shepe tenne heiffres of two yere olde and Twentie poundes monye the saide monye to be paide unto her the Daye of her mariage

Item I give and bequeathe to my Daughter Katherin thirtie kyne two hundreth shepe tenn heiffres of two yeres olde and Twentie poundes of monye the saide monye to be paide unto her the Daye of her mariage

Item I give and bequeathe to my Daughter Marye thirtie kyne two hundreth shepe tenn heiffres of two yeres olde and Twentie poundes of monye the saide monye to be paide unto her the Daye of her mariage

Item my will and mynde is that if anye of my said foure Daughters That is to saye Elizabeth Agnes Katheryne or Marye do happen to die or decease before they be maryed or do accomplyshe the age of Eyghtene yeres that then her parte and porcion of goods and cattelles to her above bequeathed so dyinge shall Remaine and be equallye devided amongest the residewe of my daughters last before named then lyvinge

The residewe of all my goodes and cattelles not geven nor bequeathed I give and bequeathe unto my saide sonne Leyson whome I ordeine and make my sole executore. I do also ordeine to be overseers of this my last will and testament William Harbert of Swansey Esquier Leison Pryce Esquier David John Vaughan and Richard Thomas gentlemen I do further authoryse and appoynte the saide Leison Prees David John Vaughan Richard Thomas and my wife Duringe her wydowehood to have the order rule and regiment of all and singular my landes tenements and heredyttaments which I do at this present suffer to discende to my saide sonne or that hereafter to hym shall Discende before he accomplyshe the age of one and twentie yeres And that they shall receave levery and gather untill my said sonne shall accomplyshe the saide age the rents yssewes and proffittes of the saide landes & tenementes and hereditaments to the performance of this my laste will and testament and they to bestowe the same to the most comodytie and proffite of my said sonne

Item I do further appoynte and ordeine that the said Leison Prees David John Vaughan Richard Thomas and my wife Duryinge her widowhood shall have full power and authorytie to make Delyverie and payment of all my legaceis and appointe the saide Leison Prees David John Vaughan and Richard Thomas to have full power and authoritie to sue or ympleade anye persone or persones to the use of my said Executor untill my saide executor Do accomplyshe the age of twentie one yeres for any Debt or Duetie Due unto me or to him as myne executor And also to receave and take the rentes issues and proffets of all and singuler the residewe of all my goodes and cattells aswell Realle and personalle for the performance of this my last will and to use the same to the most comoditie of my executor And also to receave the yssewes and proffites of all and singular my goodes and Cattells to my Daughters afore bequeathed and to ympley the same to them moste comoditie untill they accomplyshe the age of eyghtene yeres or that they be maried

Item I do further ordeyne and appoynte for the more ease of my said overseers That Jenkyn [Lleu] my Nephewe Jenkine ap Ienn my cosen Gruffyth ap Willyam and Thomas ap Ienn . . . . . . . shall yerely from tyme to tyme when to them shalbe thowghte good oversee all and singular my Cattell and shepe and of them and of the increase thereof yerely to bringe a trewe accompt to the saide Leyson Prees David John Vaughan Richard Thomas and my wife Duryinge her wydowehood And also yerely to see my shepe shorne and to make the said Leyson Preys David John Vaughan Richard Thomas and my wife Duryinge her wydowhood trwe accompt and Deliverye thereof

Item I give and bequeathe for A Remembrance unto my sonne my sygnet and my best portigne

Item I give and bequeathe for the lyfe remembrance unto Catherin my wyfe my other and lesser portigne

Item I give and bequeathe to my Daughter Mawde for the lyke remembrance and upon condicion that she marye Leison Price Esquier my pece of golde beinge next in walew to the saide lesser portigne Also my will and mynde is that fyve pounds to the saide William Harbert Esquier thre pounds syx shillinges eyght pennce to the sayd Leison Prees Esquier fortie shillinges to the saide Richard Thomas gentleman Fortie shillings to the saide David John Vaughan gentleman my sayde overseers be paide for their paines takinge about the executinge of this my last will and testament

In witness whereof to his my last will and testament I have putte my name theis beinge witnesses: John ap Henrye, David Ienn gitto melyn, John ap Rs ap Thomas, John ap Hoell glover, John Ienn, David ap Hoell, Hopkyn Thomas, Rs [Llwid], Morgan Thomas Jenkyn, Oweyne ap John, David ap Rs, Morgan John, John Williames, Jenkyn David, Gryffyth Bristowe, William ap Howell Morgan, John ap Morgan, Di--- ap Ienn, John ap Rees, David Hire Hopkin Thomas ap Howell and Richard Amyas with manye others [even] the Daye and yere above written.

[A page-length list of debts due to David Evans follows, then the Latin probate]

  Marriage Information:

Dafydd married Catrin Vaughan, daughter of William Vaughan of Porthaml, Knt. and Catrin ferch Jenkin. (Catrin Vaughan died after 1568.)


1 Peter Clement Bartrum, Welsh Genealogies 1400-1500, vol. 2 p. 176.

2 Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Douglas Richardson, 2nd ed., 2011, p. 191.

3 UK National Archives, PCC PROB 11/50/122.

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