Richard Jones of Michaelston-super-Ely, Esq.
(Abt 1581-1658)


Family Links

Jane Basset

Richard Jones of Michaelston-super-Ely, Esq.

  • Born: Abt 1581
  • Married:
  • Died: 21 Apr 1658

   Also known as Richard ap John.

  Research Notes:

High Sheriff of Glamorgan, 1648.


Abstract of the Will of Richard Jones, dated 16 Apr 1658...

Richard Jones of Miohaelston upon Eley, co. Glamorgan, Esquire. Sick in body yet whole in mynde. I recommend my soul to God my Maker, Redeemer and Preserver ... and my body to be interred in my father's sepulchre or grave within the Meeting house or pishe church of Michaellston upon Eley aforesaid. Item, I give and bequeath unto Jane my Loveing wife all those ten acres of Land with the apptences I being in Michaellston upon Eley aforesaid which I purchased of Coll. Phillipp Jones for and during the term of her naturall lief and after her decease to sonn Bassett Jones and the heires of his body, remainder in default of issue to sonn Edward Jones and the heires of his body, remainder in default of issue to the Right heires of sonn Bassett Jones for ever. To said loveing wife six mylche kyne six working oxen one hundred sheepe (that is to say) fortie ewes fortie twelve month ould sheepe or hogges and twentie lambes — also two of my best horses or mares and my swyne of all sortes. Also the use and occupation of all my household stuff during her naturall life altering not the pptie [propertie] thereof (the furniture &c. of one specified chamber excepted which is bequeathed immediately to son Bassett) the said household stuff upon death of wife to be equally divided between the two sons.''

Certain purchased lands in St. Fagan's, "Kae Rice Bicka", and "lands purchased of Thomas Gibbon, gent., and wife", are then charged with annuities as follows :

" Fortie shillings a year to f aithfuU servant Edmund David and twentie shillings a year each to kinsman John ap John of Michaelston upon Ely and poore kinswoman Alce John of St. ffagans."

Subject to which the said lands are bequeathed to his son Edward and the heirs of his body, with a further entail upon son Bassett and heirs ; grandson Thomas Jones, son of said son Bassett by one Marie Hughes, and heirs; remainder to right heirs of son Bassett.

" To my said wief ffortie pownds in gould which I have in my coubart Grandchild Marye Jones daughter of son Bassett by one Katherine Miles ffortie pounds with all such sheepe as shee hath under her owne marke amonge my sheepe the sayd ffortie pounds to be payd her at the time of her marriage. Reparacon of pishe church of Michaelston upon Eley twentie shillings. Poor of the p'ishe twentie shillings. William Howell, Richard John, and John Jenkin now attending on me in my sickness tenn shillings a peece. Residue to son Edward, who is appointed executor. Witnesses: Rich'd Jevans, Jevan Prichard, Richard Bevan and Rich. John.

"Proved att London 20th August 1658."

Died aged 77 years. 1

  Marriage Information:

Richard married Jane Basset, daughter of Thomas Bassett of Miskin, Gent. and Mary Evan. (Jane Basset died after 1670.)


1 Archæologia Cambrensis - The Journal of the Cambrian Archæological Association, Vol. VI, fifth series, pp. 200-201.

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