sole daughter and heir
24 Nov 1316, York
Grant to William Wyn, at the instance of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex, of that which pertains to the king of the marriage of Matilda, late the wife of William de Lodelowe, tenant-in-chief, viz., the fine if she shall make any, or any forfeiture which she may incur.
Calendar of Patent Rolls, 10 Edw. II, p. 604
17 Dec 1316, Clipston
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order not to intermeddle further with the lands of William de Lodelowe, and to restore the issues of the same, as it appears by inquisition that he held nothing of the king in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands should pertain to the king, except the manor of Hodinet with its members, which he held in chief as of the honour of Montgomery by serjeanty and by the service of being steward of that honour, and that Matilda his wife was enfeoffed thereof jointly with him by the late king's licence and by fine levied in his court, and that she peacefully continued her seisin until his death.
To Master John Walewayn, escheator beyond Trent. Order to deliver to Matilda, late the wife of William de Lodelowe, the manor of Hodinet with its members, the manor of Westbury and the townships of Whelbache and Moston, Boulwas, Peppelowe, and Langeford, and the issues thereof, taken into the king's hands upon her husband's death, as it appears by inquisition that she was enfeoflfed thereof jointly with her husband by William de Hodinet, to have to them and the heirs of their bodies, and that she peacefully continued her seisin thereof until her husband's death, and that the manor of Hodinet and members is held of the king in chief as of the honour of Montgomery by serjeanty and the service of being steward of the honour, and that the manor of Westbury and the aforesaid townships are held of divers other lords : provided that she come to the king before Michaelmas next to do fealty for the manor of Hodinet and its members. The king issues this order because he compassionates her state, she being incapacitated for work at present by bodily infirmity.
Calendar of the Close Rolls, 10 Edw. II, p. 381
20 Nov 1318, York
To Master Richard de Clare, escheator beyond Trent. Because it was lately found by an inquisition taken by Master John Walewayn, then escheator beyond Trent, that William de Lodelowe held nothing in chief at his death by reason whereof the custody of his lands should pertain to the king, except the manor of Hodenet, which is held in chief of the king as of the honour of Montgomery by serjeanty and by the service of being steward of the honour, whereof Matilda, late the wife of William, was enfeoffed jointly with him by the late king's licence and by fine levied in his court, and whereof she continued her joint seisin until his death, the king ordered the aforesaid John not to intermeddle further with William's lands in his bailiwick ; and although afterwards the escheator, because he was given to understand that William held at his death 100 acres of wood and £10 of yearly rent in Markeleye, co. Hereford, by knight service as of the crown, by reason whereof it was believed that the custody of his lands ought to pertain to the king by reason of his prerogative, resumed his lands into the king's hands, and the king caused dower of the lands so resumed into bis hands to be assigned to Wilham Wyn and Matilda his wife, late the wife of the aforesaid William de Lodelowe : the king now orders the escheator not to intermeddle further with the lands thus resumed into his hands, and to restore the issues thereof from the time of the resumption, as the said matter for retaining the custody on his hands is not sufficiently declared.
Calendar of the Close Rolls, 12 Edw. II, p. 29
Salop. — Reginald de Stapelton sued Matilda formerly wife of William de Lodelowe Knight and Laurence de Lodelowe Knight, for the next presentation to the church of Wynstantoune.
De Banco. Trinity, 11 Edw. III [1337/8], m. 3. 1
Inquisition Post Mortem.
7. Maud, late the wife of William de Lodelowe. 2
Writ, 4 July, 21 Edward III. [1347]
Salop. Inq. taken at Shrewsbury, 12 July, 21 Edward III.
Hodenet. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, by service of being steward of the king's castle of Montgomery, which is in the king's hand by the escheat of Roger de Bethlem, formerly earl of Salop. The lord of Hodenet and his ancestors were accustomed and ought to have easements of houses within the bailiwick of the said castle and other necessities pertaining to the said stewardship, viz. staying there with his wife, with a chambermaid and a laundress, within the said bailiwick, at the king's cost; and the said lord ought to have two robes yearly fit for a knight, two esquires, five grooms, five horses, four brachets, and two greyhounds, entirely at the king's cost.
She held no other lands &c. in the county.
Lawrence de Lodelowe, her son, aged 42 years at Christmas day last, is her heir.
C. Edw. III. File 83. (7.)
In 42 Edward III (c. 1368) John son of Lawrence de Lodelowe, chivaler, sued Thomas de Hodynet, for land in Hodynet, with a pedigree showing John de Lodelowe, son of Laurence son of Matilda daughter of William de Hodynet, confirming Matilda's lineage...