Inherited Borlas Frank...
15 Jul 1398, Westminster
Commitment to Andrew Borlas, by mainprise of John Heny and John Garde of the county of Somerset, Peter Tregollas of the county of Cornwall, and John Dennynge of the county of Devon, of the keeping of all the lands in the towns of Borlas Taillefer and Bossoghammir late of John Frank Taillyfer, which were taken into the king's hand by the late escheator in the county of Cornwall, to hold the same, with the issues from the time of the said taking, until it be decided in the king's court whether the said lands ought by right to pertain to the king or not ; provided that he answer at the Exchequer for the above issues and all other issues of the lands, if they be adjudged to the king, and also keep the lands without waste and destruction, and do and support all the charges incumbent thereon.
Calendar of Fine Rolls, 22 Ric. II, p. 274