Milon II, comte de Tonnerre 1
- Born: Between 910 and 935, Tonnerre, Yonne, Bourgogne, France
- Married:
- Died: Jul 980/2
Research Notes:
"Milone filiis meis" consented to the donation of Adalgardis dated 950. His birth date range is estimated for the purposes of assessing the number of generations between Milon [II] and Milon [V].... "…Adelæ comitissæ, Milonis comitis filii eius" subscribed the charter dated 8 Sep 975 under which "Adelelmus miles" donated property to Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire for the souls of "genitore meo Rotberto et genitrice mea Bertha et…Burcardo".
Comte de Tonnerre. “Milo comes pagi Tornodorensis…et Ingeltrudis uxoris suæ” restored the monastery of Saint-Michel, naming property "in pago Brionense in villa Jasant" half of which was donated immediately and the other half "post excessum Ingeltrudis uxoris suæ", by charter dated Jul 980, signed by "Richardi comitis, Milonis". A charter dated to [992] records that “comite Milone pagum Tornodorensem” had retired to the monastery of Saint-Michel de Tonnerre. An undated charter records that "Milo quondam comes" donated property "in villa…Jassant" to Saint-Michel, property claimed after his death by "comes Ingelbertus", witnessed by "…Witerius vicecomes…". 2
Marriage Information:
Milon married Ingeltrude de Brienne, daughter of Engelbert I, comte de Brienne. (Ingeltrude de Brienne was born in Brienne-le-Château, Aube, Champagne, France and died after 980.)