Of note in regards to Edward Dafydd Llwyd (d. 1636/7) a co signatory to his will was John Jones of Maesygarnedd (a cousin). John Jones was a regicide (he signed the papers to execute King Charles I, in Cromwell's time) he was later hung at Tyburn for treason. Apart from this notoriety he also created a well-researched genealogical tree proving his descent. In a footnote he records a Nannau family dispute with regard to the inheritance of Cwm Bychan involving Daffyd Lord of Nannau (Dai Llwyd's grandfather) in the time of Henry VII (and settled in his name). (Stratton, 2013) 2
Nuncupative Will of Edward ap Dafydd Lloyd late of Llanfair juxta Harlech, recorded c. Sep 1636, proved 11 Oct 1637. 3
Memorandum that in the month of September last Anno Domini 1636 or thereabouts Edward ap David Lloyd late of Llanvair juxta Harleich in the County of Merioneth & Dioces of Bangor deceased beinge sicke in body, butt of sound & perfect sence & memorie, made & declared his last will and testament nuncupative, or paroll disposicion of all & singular his goods debts cattell & chattell in manner and forme or to the effecte followynge viz:
Imprimis he gave and bequeathed his soule into the hands of Allmighty God his maker & redeemer, and his body to be buried in Christian buriall.
Item: He did give and bequeath all and singular his goods debts cattell & chattel unto Gwenlleean verch Richard his wife, and Richard ap Edward & Grace verch Edward his naturall & lawfull children by her the sayd Gwenlleean, to be devided amongest them, his debts beinge first payed & his funerall expenses discharged. --?-- the reason why he disposed of his goods in manner aforesayd, was (as he then sayd) because that he had before given all his children by his former wife, Catherine verch Hughe, their full porcion of his goods accordinge to his estate power and abilities which his sayd nuncupative will or paroll disposicion he made published & declared by words of mouth in the presence and hearinge of William Prichard, Richard Humfrey, Elliew verch Richard, Evan John, Mary verch Edward & others.