"Gaufridus de Sabolio" founded the priory of Solesmes, confirmed by "Adelays uxor mea et filius noster Drogo", by charter dated to [1010], signed by "…Gaufridi de Sabolio, Adelays uxor Gaufridi, Drogonis filii eorum, Radulphi vicecomitis, Odonis fratris eius…".
Adelais’s parentage is not known. However, it is likely that her husband inherited Sablé through his marriage. If this is correct, she may have been related to the family of the earlier seigneurs de Sablé. 1
Marriage Information:
Adelais married Geoffroy DU MAINE, Seigneur de Sablé, son of Vcte Raoul II DU MAINE and Godehildis DE BELLÊME. (Geoffroy DU MAINE died after 1015.)