Lewis Owen of Plâs yn dref, Esq.
(Abt 1500-1555)
Margaret Puleston
Gruffudd ap Hywel
Simon Owen of Cwrt Plâs y dref
Margaret ferch Gruffudd
Robert Symon Owen of Tŷ Gwyn


Family Links

Gwen ferch John Llwyd

Robert Symon Owen of Tŷ Gwyn 1

  • Born: Plâs yn dref, Dolgellau, Merioneth, Wales
  • Married:
  • Died: Between 16 Jan 1637/8 and 23 May 1638, Tŷ Gwyn, Dolgelley, Merioneth, Wales

  General Notes:

compiler's 11 x great grandfather

  Research Notes:

The Will of Robert Symon Owen of the Parish of Dolgelley in county Merioneth, written 16 Jan 1637/8, proved 23 May 1638. 2

[Fragmented in places. Paragraphed for easier reading]

In the Name of God Amen the sixteeneth day of January one Thousand sixe hundreth & Thirtie and seaven I Robert Symon Owen of the parish of Dolgelley Countie of Merioneth and Dioces of Bangor sicke in bodie but of good and perfect memory and praise be unto allmightye God doe make my Testament Containinge therein my last will in manner and forme followinge revoakeinge herby all both in deede and in Lawe all other former wills and testaments.

First I commend my soule unto the hands of Allmightie god my maker and redeemer, hopeinge . . . . . . . through the . . . . . Merites of Jesus Christ my Saviour to be made partaker of life everlastinge, and my bodie to be interred aftere Christian Buriall in the parish Church of Dolgelley.

Item. I give and bequeath towards the reparacion of the Cathederall Church of Bangor Two shillings.

Item. I geve and bequeath towards the reparacion of the parish Church of Dolgelley five shillings.

Item. I geve devise and Bequeath two Meadowes . . . . . called y werglodd vaner, . . . . . . . . . called y werglodd gronn with their appurtenances to my sonne Evan ap Robert Symon To have and to hould the saide two [m]eadowes called y werglodd vaner and werglodd gronn to the saied Evan ap Robert Symon his heires and assignes . . . .

Item. I geve and bequeath to my daughter Margarett vch Robert Symon foure scoare & five pounds which are due unto me upon the persons hereaftere named That is to say upon John ap Richard Vaughan the some of twentie Pounds upon Owen ap Evan David Lloyd Twentie pounds and upon Hugh William of Llanegrin fortie and five pounds.

Item. My will is that if John Robert my sonne in Lawe doeth performe and Accomplish all promises and agreements made between me and him for the . . . . . . . . . of all his Messuage Tenements and St----- and --raige in the Towneshippe of Dolgeleder in the saied county of Merioneth upon the issue of his Bodie Lawefully begotten and to be begotten upon the Bodye of Elizabeth vch Robert Symon my daughter as by my executors or their councell learned shalbe best devised or . . . . . . . . . . . . . to be observed Accomplished and kept.

Item. I doe geve and bequeath the moetie or one half of all my goods, Cattles Chattels houshold . . . . personall estate to my loving wife Gwen Lloyd Accordinge to the custome of the . . . . . Dioces.

Item. I doe nominate and appoint . . . . . . . . my sonne Edward ap Robert Symon my executor to see the said legacies paied and my funerall expences discharged.

Item. I doe appoint overseers of this my last will Hugh Nanney of Nanney esquier David Lloyd, Tudder Lewes Symon and Robert John . . . . . . . of Hengwrt gentlemen.

This will was reade to the Testator whoe dyd acknowleg The same to be his last will and hath hereunto sett his hand and seale in the presence of:
William ap Evan David Lloyd
Owen ap Evan David Lloyd
John David ap . . . . .
Robert John ap Richard Vaughan.


  Marriage Information:

Robert married Gwen ferch John Llwyd, daughter of John ab Ieuan Llwyd.


1 J. E. Griffith, Pedigrees of Anglesey and Caernarvonshire Families, p. 364.

2 B / 1637 / 30 / W, Bangor Probate Records, held at the National Library of Wales.

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