John Jones of Plâs brith, Gent.


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John Jones of Plâs brith, Gent.

  • Married:
  • Buried: 18 May 1757, Dolgellau, Merioneth, Wales 1

  General Notes:

compiler's 6 x great grandfather

  Research Notes:

Jno Jones of Plâs brith Gent. (burial record)


The Will of John Jones of Plâs brith in the Town of Dolgelley in the County of Merioneth, Gentleman, written 14 May 1757, proved 24 Aug 1758.

(paragraphed for easier reading)

In the Name of God Amen I John Jones of Plâs brith in the Towne of Dolgelley in the County of Merioneth Gentleman being sick and weak in Body & Strength but of Good & Sound and absolutely of perfect Mind Memory and Understanding Thanks be to God faithfully Do make Constitute Publish Ordain and Appoint this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and forme following, that is to say, Revoking Annuling and Making Void by these presente all and every Will & Wills Testament & Testaments here to fore by Me Made Signed or Declared or by Word or Writing and this onely to be . . . . . . for My last Will and Testament and none other.

First and principally I Comend My Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator hoping for Mercy and pardon of all my Sins through the Infinite Merritts of My Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and My Body to be Decently Buried at the Discression of my Executrix herein after named.

And as to . . . . . and personall Estate that I am now possessed of or have any Right or Title thereunto I Give Devise and bequeath the Same as followeth That is to Say:

First I Give and Devise unto My eldest Daughter all My Lands [Tenements] and Hereditaments With their and every of their Appurtenances her heirs & Assigns for ever as her Hereditary Right.

Also I Give and bequeath Unto my Two Younger Daughters Dorothy and Jonett all and Every such Sum and Sums of Money that is Invested in Me or have any power right or Title thereto by My Marriage Settlement to be Justly and Equally Devided Between them Share and Share alike.

Also I Give and bequeath Unto My said two Younger Daughters all my plate and household Goods whatsoever whom I nominate and appoint Joynt Executrix of this My Last Will and Testament.

In Witness My hand and Seal this 14th Day of May 1757.

Signed Sealed published Declared by the said John Jones for his last Will and Testament, In the presence of the two Witnesses they Subscribing their hands as Witnesses in his presence and Desires all his Just Debts to be paid.

Lewis Nanney, William Owen.


August 24th 1758.

On which Day the within written Will was insinuated proved approved & deemed valid in common Form of Law & Administration of the Goods, Chattels, & Credits of the within named Testator granted to Mrs. Anne Jones his Widow in Trust & for the Use of the Joint Executrix within named, Infants, She being first sworn as the Law directs (Every Person's Right being saved & reserved) by me

Rob: Anwyl, Surrogate. 2

  Marriage Information:

John married Anne on an unknown date.


1 Dolgellau Parish Registers, Burials.

2 B / 1758 / 118 / W, Bangor Probate Records, held at the National Library of Wales.

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