Christian Bronnsden was bequeathed £5 and a heiffer in her father's Will (written 1558).
Abstract of the Will of Christian Brinsden of Hunt Mill in the Parish of Wootton Bassett, Widow, written 6 Jan 1607/8, proved 28 Apr 1609. 3
Gives and bequeaths 2 shillings to the parish church of Wootton Bassett.
Gives 2 shillings to the poor people of the same parish.
Gives and bequeaths 20 shillings to Edith Hooper daughter of her son-in-law George Hooper.
Gives and bequeaths 20 shillings to Margaret Heale wife of George Heale...
Gives 20 shillings to her daughter Joane Wells wife of William Wells...
Gives and bequeaths £4 to her daughter Adrie Beale wife of Ambrose Beale....
Gives 20 shillings to her godchild William Brinsden son of her son Thomas Brinsden.
The residue of all her goods she gives to her son Thomas Brinsden whom she makes and appoints sole executor of her last will and testament.
Witnesses: Charles Lymer, John Withie, Bartholomew Shurmer