Co-executor of his father's Will
Robert Oxenbridge purchased Bixle in 1459; in 1458 and 1465 he was Commissioner for Embankments, and in 1474 for settling the ordinances of Romney Marsh. In 1459 he was jurat of Winchelsea; and in 1483 he was a freeman residing at Brede. 1
The Will and Testament of Robert Oxenbrigge or Oxenbrigg of Brede Sussex, written 18 Oct 1482 and 16 Apr 1483, proved 11 Dec 1488.
[paragraphed for easier reading]
THIS IS THE LAST WILL of me Robert Oxenbrigge of the parissh of Forde Esquire made the xviij day of xxij yere of the reigne of Kyng Edward the iiijth than being in my goode helth of mynd --?-- be thankyd of all my maners Landys and tenementes rents and s[ervices] that I have in the Realme of England
Fyrst I will that Anne my Wyfe have my Landys and tenementes rentes and s[ervices] that I have in the parisshes of Brede and Udymer for the terme of hyr lyfe to kepe with hyr and hyr children so that she kepe hyr unmaried and kepe contynuall residence and household in my principall place at the fath? in the seid parissh of Brede during all the seid terme of hyr lyfe and that she --?-- hyr dower of all my other landys and of the landys and tenementes that she and I have joyntly in the Shere of Surrey? after the deceese of Robard Lyveloed her brother
And if it so be that my seyd wyfe mary or kepe not contynually household in my seid place as is before rehersed or Any--- hyr Dowre of my other Landys or tenementes Than I will that she shalhave a annuyte of xxli by yere going out of all the seid Landys and tenementes for terme of hyr lyfe in the name and for all that that owyth to belong to hyr of and for Joynter dower or any other right? that she shuld have of all any Landys and tenements wheresoever they be and after the deseese of my seyd wyfe or when that she shalhave the seid annuitt? --?-- in name and for all my Landys and tenementes as is before than I will that Thomas my sonne have all my seid landes and tenementes rentes and s[ervices] to hym and to his heires forever
Also I will that Adam my sonne shalhave after the deceese of my seid wyfe and hyr brother Robard Lyveloed a place in Southwerk called the White Horse with the Shoppes thereto adjoynyng to hym and to Agnes his wyf and to the heyres males of his body Lawfully begotten and for defaute of such issue it shall remayne to my other sonnes in name and forme as is before rehersed
Also I will that Godard my sonne shall have after the deceese of my seid wyfe and hyr seid brother Lands and tenements in Southwerk to the yerely valuwe of xli by yere above all Charges to hym and to his heyres male of hys body Lawfully begotten and for defaute of such issue male it shall remayne to Thomas my sonne and to the heyres male of his body And for defawte of such issue it shall remayne to my other sonnes as is before rehersed of the place in Southwerke called the Whyte Horse Also I will that the seid Godard my sonne shalhave all my Landys and tenements rentes reversions and s[ervices] that I have in the Towne of Wynchilse to hym and to his heires forever
Also I will that Robard my sonne shalhave all the Landys and tenementes Rents and s[ervices] that I have purchased of Henry Hall esquier Robard Allard and John Puutexse? in the parisshes of Ikkysham and Gesthyng to hym and to hys heyres male of hys body lawfully begotten And for defawte of such issue male the Remaynder thereof to Thomas my sonne and to the heyres male of his body And for lack of such issue the Remaynder to my other sonnes as is before rehersed of my Landys and tenementes
Also I will that Thomas my sonne shalhave Immediatly after my deceese all my other Landys and tenements with? reversions and s[ervices] with all ther appurtenances whersoever they be to hym and to the heires male of his body Lawfully begotten. And for defawte of such issue it shall remayne to my other sonnes as is before lymited of the place in Southwerke called the White Horse
Also I will that Robard my sonne shall pay to Godard my sonne iiijli yerely unto the tyme that the seid Godard have the seid Landes and tenementes to the yerely value of xli by yer as is before seid
Also I will that Thomas my sonne shall pay to John my sonne x mars [marks] yerely unto the tyme that he be promotyd to a benefice or benefices to the yerely value of xli by yere above all charges And for defawte of such issue the Remaynder to Thomas my sonne and to the heyres male of his body Lawfully begotten. 2