William Richmond of Draycott
Alice Webb
John Ewen of Draycott
William Richmond als. Webb of Draycott Foliott
Joan Ewen
(-Aft 1502)
William Richmond als. Webb of Stewkley Grange
(Abt 1496-1579)


Family Links

1. Dorothy Lymings

2. Margery Choke
  • William Richmond als. Webb

William Richmond als. Webb of Stewkley Grange 1

  • Born: Abt 1496, Wiltshire, England 3
  • Married:
  • Died: 1579, Wroughton, Wiltshire, England 2

  General Notes:

compiler's 13 x great-grandfather

  Research Notes:

"In 1540 the site of the abbey's manor [in Wroughton] and lands called Turneys and Uffcott were granted to William Richmond alias Webb (d. 1579). In 1546 William conveyed the same estate to Sir George Baynham.... "

"When Richmond alias Webb died in 1579 he held an estate in Overwroughton which was described as a manor and could have been Roches since in 1635 it was said to be held of Chiseldon manor. From him the Overwroughton manor passed to his son Thomas, from Thomas (d. before 1564) to his son Edmund (d. 1621), and from Edmund to his son Oliver (d.s.p. 1635). Oliver settled the manor on his nephew Edward Richmond Webb (d. 1645). It passed to Edward's great-grandson, Borlase Richmond Webb (d. 1737), who sold it in 1733 to Peter Delmé..." 2


"William Webb[e of W]roughton in the Countye of Wiltes gent' of [thage] of lij yeres sworne &c.

...[He] saithe he knowith the same Lordship of Puryton with the landes and tenementes therto belonging and hathe so knowen the same by all the tyme of his remembraunce / beinge borne and broughte vp within a iij myles of the same.

...[He] saithe that he hathe scene and herde redde the same Indenture of lease so made of the saide Lordship of Puryton and the parsonage of Puriton with thappurtenaunces by thabbote and Covent then being of the late Monastery of Malmesbury vnto the persones namyd in this Interrogatory for terme of theyr lyves and the longest lyuer of them. And saithe the same lease was so graunted and made xxxiij yeres past And that he saithe he knowith for that the same was made and the saide Richard Pulley dyd occupie and enioye the same accordingly in that yere that this deponent was fyrst marryed and that this deponentes brother Christofer Webbe the Sondaye nexte before this deponentes marriage dyd also marry Jane Pulley doughter to the saide Richard Pulley and syster to the same Isabell now complainaunte wiche was as he saithe at Mydsomer last xxxiij yeres past. 3


"He was living in Wilts in the reign of Henry VIII., for he is recorded as having bought lands there in 1541 and 1545.

Of Stewkley Grange, Bucks County, and Over-Wroughton, Wilts, had £22 per annum, in land in the County of Wilts, 1565. In Aubrey's Wills, p. 368, it is stated that “There was a grant of Church land (in Wroughton) by the Crown to William Richmond alias Webb, in the thirty-second year of the reign of Henry VIII (1541). The Webb family had lands in Rudlow, Sherston and Magna; and in the twenty-second year of the reign of Elizabeth a grant of land in Bishoptown or Bushton was made to William Webb. Aubrey's Wills, page 153, says: “The Baskett family disappeared about 1576, when they sold their estate at Lydiard-Milicent to William Richmond alias Webb. After one hundred and thirty- eight years, the Webbs sold it in 1714 to Sir John Askew. “Regarding Stewkley Grange, Jones's “Index” contains the following note: “De manibus Reginae amovendis de Manerio de Stewkeley Grange, et aliis, in Comitatibus Bucks et Wilts ac William Webb Arm Liberandis. Michaelis Recorda, 8 Eliz. Rotulo 110 (1566).” He bought lands in Chiseldon and Over-Wroughton, Wilts, in the thirty-sixth year of the reign of Henry VIII (1545), of Sir Edward Baynton...." 4

  Marriage Information:

William married Dorothy Lymings, daughter of John Lymings of Nottinghamshire.

  Marriage Information:

William also married Margery Choke of Shabourne Berks.


1 The Visitation of Wiltshire 1565, Richmond alias Webb of Rodburne (pedigree), p. 64.

2 British History Online, Parishes: Wroughton, citing A History of the County of Wiltshire, Volume 11, Downton Hundred; Elstub and Everleigh Hundred.

3 Star Chamber proceedings, Edward VI, Bundle I., No. 39, Jay versus Bridges, 1548, in The Wiltshire Archĉological and Natural History Magazine, Vol. XXXIII, 1903-1904. William Webbe appears as a witness, age 52 years in 1548, indicating he was the brother of Christopher Webbe who married Jane, daughter of Richard Pulley.

4 The Richmond Family 1594-1896 and Pre-American Ancestors 1040-1594 by Joshua Bailey Richmond, Boston, MDCCCXCVII, pp. xii-xiii.

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