Lord Chief-Justice Sir Richard Lyster of Wakefield, Wrenthorpe, Stanley &c., Yorks., and of Southampton, being designed for the legal profession, entered the Middle Temple, where he was made Reader in 1515, Double Reader in 1521, and Treasurer in the year following.
He is mentioned as holding lands at Alvethorpe and Southolme, Wakefield, circa 1520-25.
From 8 Jul 1532 to 1526 he was Solicitor-General. He is believed to have been made Attorney-General in 1526, and about this time was made a Serjeant-at-Law. On 12 May 1529 he was raised to the Bench as Chief Baron of the Exchequer. As Chief Baron, Lyster's name frequently occurs on Commissions, and he was one of the Special Grand Jury appointed for thee trial of Sir Thomas More in 1535.
He was knighted 18 Oct. 1537.
Appointed before 1538 Warden and Keeper of Clarendon Park and Forest; J.P. Hants 1538, Salisbury 1540. After continuing at the head of the Exchequer for sixteen years, Sir Richard was advanced to the dignity of Chief-Justice of the King's Bench on 9 Nov. 1546, and was made Master of the Wards. Before this time we find him residing at Southampton, and possessed of large property in Hampshire. Leland, who visited Southampton, writes: "The house that Master Lighster, Chief Barne of the King's Escheter, dwellyth yn is very fair" (Itin., iii. 77). In the capacity of Chief-Justice, Lyster attested the the submission of Thomas Howard, third Duke of Norfolk, whom it was one of King Henry's last acts to commit to the Tower. On the accession of Edward VI. he was reappointed to his office, and his address to a body of new Serjeants on their inauguration at Lincoln's Inn, shortly afterwards, at which, by the command of Wriothesley, the Lord Chancellor, he took the chief part, is described by Dugdale (who quotes at length from the Black Book at Lincoln's Inn, folios 178-9) as "a Godly thoughe sumwhat prolixe and long declaration of their duties." He signed the document making Edward, Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector, 1547.
In 1548 Sir Richard was publically rebuked in St. Michael's, Southampton, by an iconoclastic preacher for his lack of zeal in the vandalistic destruction of church ornaments which so stains the records of the time.
On 21 March 1552 Sir Richard resigned, and retired to his mansion at Southampton, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying there on 14 March 1553/4. He was buried in St. Michael's Church, Southampton. His tomb, which still exists, was erected by his widow, and is thus described in Add. MSS. 14,296:—"In the aforesaid dormitory, against the south part, lyes on a handsome stone tomb the figure of a judge on his back, dress'd in scarlet, a collar of SS round his breast, a judge's cap on his head, and a book in his right hand. On a sort of cornice supported by three pillars this remnant of an inscription: 'ET DICTA ELIZABETH HOC VIDVATATE SVA CVRAVIT 18 DIE MARCIE 1567." Under the canopy of the tomb, against the wall which separates the north from the middle chancel, is sculptured a coat of arms—Quarterly, 1 & 4, on a cross 5 mullets between 4 birds; 2 & 3, a lion rampant, within an orle of crescents. Above the shield is the date 1567, and below are the initials R.L. On the side of the monument are two plain shields, within quatrefoil panels, and at the west end, under the head of the figure, a third plain shield. In the register appears the entry—"1553. The xvij day of March Syr Rychard Lyster Knyght was buryde."
By an Inq. p.m. taken at Andover 17 March 1553/4, it appears that Sir Richard held at his decease the Manors of Halyborne, Estbrook, Westbrook, Colrithe, Bishop's Sutton, Medested, Lockerley, Romsey, Paynshill, Mount la Hyde and Morestede, in the counties of Southampton and Surrey, with various other lands and messuages. 1
Will of Sir Richard Lyster, Chief Justice at Pleas, written 10 Oct 1552, proved 16 Apr 1554
[paragraphed for easier reading]
In nomine Patris et filii et spiritus sancti Amen I Rycharde Lyster Knighte chiefe Justice at Pleas Before the King to be holden being hole of mynde this tenth day of October in the sixte yere of the reigne of our soveraigne Lorde Edwarde the sixte: King of Englande France and Irelande Defender of the faithe: and in earthe supreme hedd of church of Englande and Ireland having no trouble withe sicknes of body lawde be to god almightie, remembering my greate age and uncerteyntie of this mortall liffe preparing my selfe with the helpe of god to be in redynes when god will call for me fourthe of this present liffe make my Will and testament in fourme following and ... revoke all other willes by me declared before this day
And furst I bequeth my soule to almightie god my maker and Redemer trusting in his mercye and thereby and by the merittes of his passion to come to everlasting liffe and glory And I will and desier that my deade body when god shall call me from this transitorye liffe shalbe buryed yn hallowed grounde ordeyned for Christian buriall where myne executours and freendes thinke convenyent and that to be don fourthwithe after my soule be departed out of my mortall bodye without prolonging of tyme for auny greate solempnytie thereaboute And after that to have suche divyne service as is ordeyned for the buriall of Christian men withe almes to be given to the pore and other dedes of charitie as shalbe thought convenable by the discretion of myne executors and freendes after the pleasure of almightie god
And I will and ordeyne by this my present testament that the Kinge our soveraign Lorde shalbe satisfied and paide of all his dueties whiche shall belong unto his highnes ... of suche Landes as I have and wardshipp if anny suche be withe all fines reliefes herriotts and other dueties whiche to his highnes shall laufully apperteyn as I am bounde of duetie being long sarvaunte as well to his highnes for his reigne as for the tyme of his noble Father King Henry the eighte as of his noble grannde father King Henry the seventh of noble memory whose soules god pardon And because I am indebted to the Kinges highnes and dyvers parsonnes I will that my debtes be paide by myne executours of suche mony plate and goodes as I shall leave to theym and of the proffittes of my Landes tenementes and hereditamentes in as spedy and convenyent tyme as may be for the discharge of my soule trusting to god to pay the greate parte thereof or I departe this present liffe if god suffer me
And I will that all my Landes tenements and hereditamentes at this side Trent shall goo and remayne unto Richarde Lyster sonne and heire of my late sonne Michaell Lister Knighte and to the heires of the saide Richarde for ever
And I will that all my Landes tenementes and hereditamentes beyonde Trent as well copie holde as free holde withe thappurtenances in Wakefelde Wrenthorpe Stanley and else where in the Countie of Yorke shall goo and remayne ymmediately after my decease to Charles Lister younger sonne of my saide sonne Michaell Lister Knighte and to the heires of his body laufully begotten And for lacke of suche issue the saide Landes and tenementes beyonde Trent to remayne to the right heires of me the saide Richard Lister Knighte for ever
And I will that myne Executours shalhave the custody of the saide Charles Lister untill he come to thage of xxi yeres
And then I will that they give suche bequestes as I make and bequeath in loving and charitable wise to suche my Childrene and Kynisffolkes sarvanntes and freendes as I have cause charitably to remember that is to we-- to the saide Richarde Lister sonne and heire apparannte to my sonne Sir Michaell a gilte Cupp with a cover and a gilte saulte
And I give to Charles Lister seconde sonne of my saide sonne Sir Michaell and Dame Margery his wiffe a nother gilte Cupp withe a cover and a gilte saulte
And I will that they shalhave suche convenyent bedding and other Housholde stuffe as shalbe thought mete and convenyent for theym by the discretion of myne Executours and to be ordered accordingly
And I bequeth and give to Richarde Blounte and my daughter Elizabeth his wiffe and to every one of his Children one silver Cupp
And also to every one of my sarvauntes fyve shillinges besides theire quarters waiges And to every one of my sarvauntes that used to ride with me an horse or gelding to be delivered and appoynted to theym by myne executours
And I will that myne Executours shall give to all my late Nephewes William Thorpes childern after my debtes be paide suche honest porcion of my plate and housholde stuffe as they shall thinke mete for every of theym to remember me withe theire prayers hereafter
And in likewise I will that my Nece Elizabeth Metheley the wiffe of James Kember shalhave xxi yeres in and of the Mannor of Halyborne Estbroke within the Countie of Southampton as by my Executours they shalbe assuered in consideracion of theire long and true service that they have don.
And I ordeyn and make by this my present testament and last will Sir Richarde Blounte Knighte and Richarde Lister Esquier my hole executours.
And I will that suche tenauntes and farmers as I have shall enioy theire holdings and Fermes doing theire dueties as shall becom theym to myne heires without expultion or strayte handling specialy when they have paide theire fynes or other pleasures. And I doubte not but my sonne Richarde Lister will lovingly handle all my freendes doing theym suche pleasures as he can because they may continue theire kinde and loving myndes towardes hym and his hereafter Quia
fideli amico nulla est comparacio, whiche freendes I pray God
sende hym and me ever, and the grace of God with all. To
whom be all honnor and glory for ever. Amen. 2
[Latin Probate follows.]