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  • Margery REMPHRYE


  • Married: 1625, Kenwyn, Cornwall
  • Died: May 1627, Kenwyn, Cornwall

   Research Notes:

Remfry, Nicholas, Kenwyn, 30 May 1627 AP/R382

In the name of God Amen I Nicholas Remfry of the parish of Kenwyn in the County of Cornwall being sick in body but of pfect mynd and memory Doe make and declare this my last will and testament in Manner and forme following revoking hereby all formir wills by me made and declaring them to be of none effect.

ffirst I bequeath my soule unto Allmighty God and my body to be buryed within the Parish Churchyard of Kenwyn. Item I give unto the sayd pish of Kenwyn towards the Church ----- one ewe sheepe. Item I give unto the ---- of the poore of the sayd parish of Kenwyn ten shillings. Item I give unto Catheryne Remfry my sister ten shillings. Item I give unto Guido Remfry son of Boniface Remfry my brother one hogett and one lambe.Item I give unto John the son of John Cock of ----- my brother in law one young ewe.Item I give unto my God daughter A--inell Remfry one young ewe sheepe desiring hir ---- ---- it to increase for hir.Item I give unto my God sonne John -------(missing edge) twelve pence.Item I give unto my God Daughter at ------ twelve pence. Item I give unto Richard the son of Allexander Danyell of Cardinack twelve pence. Item I give unto his son Thomas Danyell twelve pence. Item I give unto Thomas the son of John Gindra als ------ twelve pence.Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Margery Remfry all my right and interest in whele Pennance and whele Disgentle.Item I give hir the sum of ffifty pounds to be forthwith employed for hir benefit as behovse ---- way my Executors shall think best Unto whose custody I comitt and bequeath hir while my Executor shall remayne a Widdow and unmarryed, but if my Executor shall herafter be marryed againe then my will is that the sayd sum of ffifty pounds togeither with the interest thereof (if any there be ) shall pass into the hands of Roger Hambly of Kenwyn aforsayd and Robert Husband my brother in law my espetiall good frynds herewith with the care and education of my sayd Daughter Margery, they giving ------ to pay for the same with the benefit thereof (if any be) unto my sayd Daughter Margery Remfry when she shall accomplish the age of sixteeme yeares or if she dye before that age my will is that the sayd sum of ffifty pounds shalbe payd unto my wife Ffrancis Remfry hir Executors and Assigns.

Item , I give unto my brother Boniface Remfry my second best breeches.

Item I give unto my sister Allice the wife of John Cock one halfe --- of wood.

Item I give unto my brother Edward Remfry one kyne three (torn page)

Item I give unto my sister Jone six pence.

Item I give unto my sister Maude Remfry twelve pence.

All the rest of my goods and chattells debts and all other my estate w.soever not herin mentyoned and expressed not formerly given and bequeathed I give and bequeath unto Ffrancis Remfry my wife whome I ordayne nominate and appoint my whole and onely Executor : Moreover I appoint my foresayd good frynds Roger Hambly and Robert Husband to be overseers of this my last will and testament praying them to doe their best endevour for the perfourmance thereof in mannor and forme aforsayd. In Witness whereof I have hereunto made my signe and added my seale upon the Eleventh day of Aprill.1627

the signe of Nicholas Remfry

Signed Sealled and acknowledged to be his last will and testament in presence of us ---
Jacob Danyell
the signe of Richard Danyell the son of Alex.Danyell
the signe of Phillip ----
the signe of Jone Penwarne
the signe of Kate Remfry

   Marriage Information:

Nicholas married Frances EDWARDS, daughter of William EDWARDS of Lelant, Gent. and Philippa, in 1625 in Kenwyn, Cornwall. (Frances EDWARDS died after 1668.)

   Marriage Notes:

Boyds Marriage Index, Cornwall.

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