Fara names “Comita” as the fourth son of “Genuarius II Lacon, vulgo Gunari de Lacon appellatus”, adding that his father granted him “regiones Ogani et Anglobis”.
Judge of Torres. “Comita...iudex Turritanus et Maringnanus pater et filius...et ceteros filios nostros” agreed a convention with the commune of Genoa by undated charter, maybe dated to 1191. “Maria de Thori” confirmed a donation to S. Salvatore di Camaldoli, with the consent of “donnu meu iudike Comita de Laccon et dessa mujere donna Agnesa regina et dessu fiju donnu Marine rege”, by charter dated 1 Jul 1210, which also records the separate consent by “Judike Comita de Laccon” of the donation made by “domna Maria de Thori thia mea” naming her husband “donnu Petru de Maroniu”. "Comita judex Turritanus" donated property to "Girardo" in the name of "nepotum meorum…Manfredo et Agnete filiis quondam Bonifacii filii Manfredi marchionis de Saluciis et filie mee Maria" by charter dated 22 Jan 1215. A charter dated 1216 records a convention between the commune of Genoa and “Comita...Iudex Turritanus et Marignanus pater et filius”. 1