Guillaume de Chaumont, I. du nom, Seigneur de Chaumont & de Quitry, qui sut prisonnier des Anglois en 1119, lors de l'entreprise qu'il fit sur Tillieres, & vivoit encore en 1137, qu'Etienne, Roi d'Angleterre, prit & fit raser son château de Quitry. Il avoit épousé [Isabelle] de France, dont il eut: --1. Otmond, qui suit; --2. Gautier; --3. Philippe, Chanoine de Rouen
"Guillelmus de Caluimonte" was son-in-law of Louis VI King of France according to Orderic Vitalis, who says that he was captured while trying to take the castle of Tillières in 1119 and ransomed for 200 marks of silver. "Guillelmus filius Osmundi de Calvo Monte", who had married “filiam Ludovici regis”, donated property to Chartres Saint-Père by charter dated 9 Apr 1119, which records "…Gaulterius de Monte Falconis, Haimo filius eius" as present. Orderic Vitalis records that in 1137 King Stephen destroyed "munitionem Chitreii...spelunca latronum" [castle of Guitry, den of thieves] and "Guillelmus de Calvimonte cum Odmundo filio suo" rebelled. "...Willelmus filius Osmundi..." subscribed the charter dated to before 1151 under which Hugues Archbishop of Rouen granted "ecclesiam...Virginis Mariæ...Maldestor" to Pontoise Saint-Martin. 3