Frédésende (Fressenda) DE NORMANDIE
- Married:
- Died: 1057/8
- Buried: Church of St Eufemia, near Lampetia
Research Notes:
Malaterra names "Fresendis" as the second wife of Tancred. A myth, not based on any evidence, emerged in the 16th century to the effect that both wives of Tancred de Hauteville were daughters of Richard I Duke of Normandy. Orderic Vitalis records that “Fredesendis uxor Tancredi de Alta-Villa” was buried at “ecclesiam Sanctæ Eufemiæ...super littus Adriatici maris”. 1
Marriage Information:
Fressenda married Tancred DE HAUTEVILLE, Duca di Apulia. (Tancred DE HAUTEVILLE was born between 980 and 990 and died about 1041.)