Humphrey Payne
(-Aft 1697)
Humphrey Paine of Helston
(Abt 1675-1729)


Family Links

Elizabeth Caddy

Humphrey Paine of Helston

  • Born: Abt 1675
  • Married: 31 Jan 1698, Helston, Cornwall 3
  • Buried: 24 Apr 1729, Helston, Cornwall 1

   Orthographic variations: PAIN, PAYNE

  General Notes:

7 x great-grandfather

  Research Notes:

Writing his will in April 1697 George Payne of the parish of Paul in co. Cornwall, husbandman, bequeathed to Humphry Payne, the son of his brother Humphry Payne, his best suit of clothes and half a crown. From the tone of George's will, his brother Humphrey was still living in 1697.

In March 1724/5 Humphrey Paine of the borough of Helston was bequeathed 2 shillings sixpence, a brass crock and a great chest, in the will of his kinswoman Mary Paine of the parish of Paul, widow. Mary Paine (née Reed) was the widow of Humphrey's uncle, George Payne (above).

  Marriage Information:

Humphrey married Elizabeth Caddy, daughter of William Caddy and Elizabeth, on 31 Jan 1698 in Helston, Cornwall. (Elizabeth Caddy was born about 1681 in Helston, Cornwall and was buried on 14 Apr 1762 in Helston, Cornwall 2.)


1 Helston Parish Registers, burials, p. 192.

2 Ibid, burials, p. 15.

3 Cornwall OPC.

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