The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "D. Goda Soarez, D. Gontrode muger de Ayres Perez de Traba, D. Teresa Soarez, D. Elvira, D. Mayor, Monjas" as the children of "D. Suero Mendez el Bueno de Maya" and his second wife "D. Ervillida Nuñez", recording in a later passage that "Fernan Mendez el Viejo" married "D. Teresa Soarez". The Livro Velho records that "D. Fernão Mendes", son of "D. Mendo Alão de Bargança" and "hum filha d´elrey d´Armenia", married "filha d´elrey D. Affonso de Castella o que ganhou Toledo", presumably indicating Alfonso VI King of Castile but no other record has been found of such a marriage. 1