The Brunwilarensis Monasterii Fundatio names the three sons (in order) "Hermannus, Otto, Ludolphus" of "Herenfridus comes palatinus, qui post Ezo nominatus est" and his wife "Mathilde filia Magni Ottonis", specifying in a later passage that he died at Tonsburg "VII Idus Sep".
Graf im Deutzgau: Konrad II King of Germany donated "tres mansos in loco pago Tucinchoue et in comitatu Ottonis" to Deutz abbey by charter dated 3 Jan 1025. "Chuonradus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the property of the church of Würzburg by charter dated 9 Oct 1033, witnessed by "…Ezzo palatinus comes et filius eius Otto…".
He succeeded in 1035 as OTTO Pfalzgraf von Lothringen. He relinquished the Pfalzgrafschaft in 1045 when he was installed as OTTO Duke of Swabia.
The necrology of Fulda records the death in 1047 of "Otto dux". "Heinricus…Romanorum imperator augustus" confirmed the foundation of Kloster Brauweiler by charter dated 18 Jul 1051 which names "Richeza regina quondam Poleniæ…pro remedio anime sue fratrisque sui beate memorie Ottonis ducis aliorumque parentum suorum in monasterio Brunwilarensi sepultorum…per manum Heinrici palatini comitis filii patrui sui" and witnessed by "Heinricus comes palatinus, Sicco comes, Starchri comes…". The necrology of Gorze records the death "VII Id Sep" of "Oto dux". 1