[Flaín's father, Purcello,] lived in the area of Lois, León. He defeated the Moors at Río de las Dueñas in 853, for which he was rewarded by Ordoño I King of Asturias by confirmation of his position in the area of Valdoré. King Ordoño I confirmed "in ripas Istola…Orete" to "Purello" by charter dated 6 May 854, in the presence of "comites sancio, Domno Nuno, Kartia, Almonde…".
"Comite Didaco" donated property to the monastery of San Felices de Oca, by charter dated 869 "regnante Adefonso in Oveto et Didaco comite in Castella", witnessed by "Gomaze, Flagino". It is not known whether the witness "Flagino" was Fláin Purcélliz. 1