The Codex de Roda names "Uernardo et domno Miro ac domno Lope seu domno Ysarno" as the children of "Regemondo" and his wife.
Conde de Ribagorza. Al-Udri records that "Sanyo señor de Pamplona" allied himself with "Amrus ibn Muhammad señor de Barbastro", who brought "Bernat ibn Raymund señor de Pallars", to attack "el castillo de Monzón", dated A.H. 207 [919/20]. The 11th century “Crónico de Domènec”, from the archives of Roda, records that “Bernardus comes...Ripacurcensis...cum Ato episcopus frater eius” expelled (“expulit”) “ Ripacurciensi” that they may expel them “de Paliarensi terra” (“expulliset”). The 11th century “Crónico de Domènec”, from the archives of Roda, records that “Bernardus comes...Ripacurcensis” married “filiam Galindonis...Tota” with whom he obtained “Superarbiam terram” and populated it. The late 11th century/early 12th century “Cronicó II d´Alaó”, representing a continuation of the 11th century “Crónico de Domènec”, records that “Bernardus comes” held “comitatum de Lecrimas usque in Madirero”. The end 13th century “Crònica d´Alaó Renovada” records that “Bernardus comes Ripacurcie” built the monastery of Ovarra and was buried there with his wife. “Bernardus comes Ripacurcie et uxor mea Tota comitissa filia Galindonis comitis Aragonis” founded Ovarra “in pao Ripacurcense...prope flumen Hysavana”, with the consent of “filiorum nostrorum Raymundus comes et Borellus comes”, by charter dated Jul “Era DCCLXXXI” [misdated]. “Unifredus...comis” donated “villarum meum Manciverti” to “Adtroharius presbiter...advocatus abbas in monasterio...Lavavis” by charter dated 30 Apr 939. “Bernardus...comes” donated “una vinea in Fonte Nocis” to the monastery of Ovarra by charter dated Sep 947. “Unifredo conde de Ribagorza” donated property to Alaon by charter dated May 949, signed by “Hunifredus chomis et alium nomen vochabulo est Bernardus”. “Unifredus...comes” donated “locum...Sancto Vincencio in valle Supedrunio” to Lavaix by charter dated Mar 950. 1