The Chronicon Gozecense apparently identifies the correct origin of Agnes when it names "Oudam" as daughter of "comes Fridericus [et] Agnam…de Wimare". However, according to the Annalista Saxo, the wife of "Fridericus comes" (=Friedrich I Graf von Goseck, Pfalzgraf von Sachsen, from the context) was "filiam Dedonis marchionis, sororem iunioris Dedonis et ex matre Ottonis marchionis de Orlagemunde". The Genealogica Wettinensis names "Adelhidis…[et] Agnes" as the two daughters of "secundus filius [comitis Tiderici] Dedo" & his wife Oda, naming "Friderico comiti" as wife of Agnes and "Adelbertum archiepiscopum, Dedonem et Fridericum palatinos comites, et filiam nomine Odam quam Adelbertus quidam nobilis cognominatus Seveke de Sumerschenburc accepit uxorem" as their children, presumably based on the same source. This Wettin origin is impossible chronologically as the children of Markgraf Dedo must have been born after 1039, the earliest date of his marriage, while Friedrich von Goseck died in [1042]. 1