- Married:
- Died: After 1145
Research Notes:
"Geva, filia Hugonis comitis Cestriæ, uxor Galfridi Ridelli" founded Canwell priory, with the consent of "Ranulfi comitis Cestriæ cognate mei…hæredum meorum…Gaufridi Ridelli et Radulfi Basset", by undated charter. "Radulphus comes Cestriæ, Willelmo Constabulario et Roberto dapifero" confirmed the grant of "Draitune…in libero conjugio" to "Gevæ Ridel, filiæ comitis Hughes" by charter dated to [1120]. 1
Marriage Information:
Geva married Geoffrey RIDEL, Royal Justice. (Geoffrey RIDEL died on 25 Nov 1120 off Barfleur, Normandy, France.)