"Militem...Castriduni...Gaufredum" donated vines "de vico Chamartio" held by “Fulcherius...filius Nivelonis...uxor...Hildeburgis filia Guillelmi cognomento Goiti” by charter dated to [1041/48]. Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1050/60] under which "Hugo…castri Breietelli possessor in pago Cenomannensi" donated "ecclesiam…in Dunensi pago…Lazellam" to Marmoutier, with the permission of "domine mee Mahildis filie Galterii de Aloia filiorumque ac filiarum eiusdem, quibus patres fuere Guillelmus cognomento Gugetus et Gauffredus de Medana…Willelmi, Hildeburgis et Richildis, item Hamelini, Galterii et Hersendis".
The necrology of Chartres Cathedral records the death “VIII Id Aug” of “Hildeburgis”, her donation while living and the donation made by “Fulcherius Nivelonis filius vir suus” for her soul. 2