Vcte Girbert II DE CARLAT
- Born: Carlat, Cantal, Auvergne, France
- Married:
- Died: Before 1030
Research Notes:
"Deusde sacerdos" donated "alodo meo…in Brogmo, quem Girbertus vicecomes michi dedit" to Conques, for the souls of "Girberti vicecomiti et uxore sua Agnes et filios suos Geraldo et Bernardo et Girberto" by charter dated Mar [997/1031], subscribed by "Agnes et filios suos". 1
Marriage Information:
Girbert married Agnès DE MELS. (Agnès DE MELS was born in Mels, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrenees, France and died after Oct 997.) |