His name suggests that Graf Markward [II] was the son of Graf Markward [I] but there is no proof that this is correct. The assumption is that Markward [II] was a different person from Markward [I] on the basis of the 24 year period between the years when each was named but this is not inevitably so.
Graf 940/951. "Otto…rex" gave property "in pago Ufgovve in comitatu Marchvvardi iuxta rivum Fuchtebah" to "comiti Marchvvardo [vassallo ducis Perchtoldi]" by charter dated 13 Jul 940 at the request of "ducis nostri Perchtoldi, simul et Kerungi ac Hiltiboldi comitum". "Otto…rex" returned property "in comitatu Adelberonis in loco Izhzelinga" to "fratris nostri Heinrici cuidam suo vasallo Marquart" by charter dated 23 Sep 951. 1