The paternity of Heinrich is determined from Thietmar recording the death of two of his great grandfathers "both named Liuthar" at the battle of Lenzen 5 Sep. The Annalista Saxo refers to "Heinricus Calvus comes de Stathen" as "consanguineus" of Emperor Otto I, but the precise relationship between the two has not been identified.
Graf von Stade. Graf im Heilangau 959: "Otto…rex" granted property "in pago…Helinge et Moside in locis…Buochstadon et Rinchurst in comitatu et legatione Heinrici comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 2 Jul 959. He constructed the castle of Harsefeld [Herseveld] in 964. Thietmar names his "grandfather Heinrich" when recording that he tried to capture Duke Hermann Billung at Magdeburg allegedly in response the duke's "arrogance" in certain ceremonial matters.
The Chronicon Monasterii Rosenfeld seu Hassefeld records the death “VI Id Mai” of “Heinricus comes, Calvus”. 1