- Born: Napoli, Italy
- Married:
- Died: Between Mar 949 and May 954
Research Notes:
"Domno Docibili…duci et ypato seu domna Horanie ypatisse iugalibus" are named in a charter datd Mar 949. Stasser suggests that the wife of Docibilis [II] was the daughter of Ioannes II Duke of Naples, based, it would seem, only on her husband´s testament dated May 954 mentioning land in Cimiterio and Liburia in the duchy of Naples "qui fuit de Oraniæ ducissæ bonæ memoriæ uxori meæ". 1
Marriage Information:
Orania married Docibilis II DI GAETA, Hypatos & Duke of Gaeta, son of Ioannes I DI GAETA, Hypatos of Gaeta. (Docibilis II DI GAETA was born between 890 and 895 in Gaeta, Napoli, Italy and died after May 954.)