"Dompna Faquilo" donated property to the monastery of Saint-Orens de Lavedan, for the souls of "Mansionis…Donati Lupi comiti…et filiis meis et filias", by charter dated Dec [865], subscribed by "Dattonis Donati comitis, Luponis, Luponis Centuli". Monlezun names "Faquilène, fille de Mancion qui paraît appartenir à la souche des vicomtes de Lavédan" as the wife of Donat-Loup de Bigorre. 1
Marriage Information:
Faquila married Cte Donat Loup DE BIGORRE, son of Loup III Centule DE GASCOGNE, Duke of Gascony. (Cte Donat Loupa DE BIGORRE was born Gascony, France and died between 838 and 865.)
1 Foundation for Medieval Genealogy, Medlands, Donat Loup.