Wipo names "Adalheida ex nobilissima gente Litharingorum oriunda…soror…comitem Gerhardi et Adalberti" and mother of "maioris Chuononis".
Graf von Metz. The Chronicle of St Bénigne de Dijon records a donation by "Albertus comes Mettensis" of "villam Vulferei", recording that after his death "Girardus dux filius eius" cancelled the donation, undated but listed among records of other donations in the late 1020s. "Adelbertus dux et marchio Lotoringie et Iuditta uxor mea ducissa et marchionissa" donated property "villam nostram Mamendorf" to the abbey of St Matthew by charter dated 12 Jun 1037.
The testament dated 1037 of "Adalbero…prepositus S Paulini Treuerensis" is witnessed by "Adelberti avunculi nostri marchionis et ducis Lothoringie et Iuditte amicte nostre uxoris sue". 1