A charter dated to before 27 Sep 1151 records, among other donations, that "Eginard [error for Pierre?] de Montrabert seigneur de Preuilly" donated property near “[le] monastère de Pozé...” to Bécheron, with the consent of "ses quatre fils...Pierre du Montrabert, Josbert, Jourdain et Gauthier", while a charter dated to [1160] records the same donation made by “Eschivardus [error for Petrus?] dominus Pruliaci” with the consent of “filiis suis Petro de Morambua, Josberto, Jordane et Galtero”.
Seigneur de la Guerche et du Bouchet {le Bouchet, paroisse de Crucheray}. “Petrus de Montrabei dominus Pruliaci” confirmed the donation of property “[de] viam de Pozai ad Cremilliame...et decimas” to Bécheron by charter dated 1175, witnessed by “Josbertus de Gurchia, Jordanus et Walterus, fratres mei...”. “Gosberto de Guircha...” witnessed the charter dated to [1187] which records a dispute between “Gosbertus de Podio” and Noyers abbey. "Gosbertus de Boschet" donated property to the abbey of La Trinité de Vendôme for his anniversary, with the consent of "uxoris mee Aaliz et Johanne filie mee", by charter dated to end-12th century. “Petrus de Monte Rabei” donated “centum...in pedagio Roche” to Bécheron, with the consent of “fratris mei Josberti [...de Guerchia], Aanor uxor mea, filii mei Eschivardus et Gaufridus”, by charter dated to 1204. “Eschivardus de Pruliaco” confirmed the donation of “centum...in pedagio Roche” made to Bécheron by “pater meus Petrus de Monte Rabei”, with the consent of “Matildis uxor mea et filii mei Gaufredus, Josbertus, Enricus, Jordanus, Gauterius et Petrus...Gaufrido fratre meo”, by charter dated 1204. A charter dated 1217 records that “defunctus Jobertus dominus Guirchie bone memorie” had donated “pedagii sui in toto dominio Guirchie” to Bécheron, later confirmed by “Gaufridus vicecomes Castriduni et Aalicia uxor mea” with the consent of “Gaufridus filius noster et filie nostre Ysabella, Aalicia et Johanna et Agnes”. 1