“Froila Uigilani, Oueco Santii...” confirmed the charter dated 8 Nov 963 under which King Sancho I donated the church of San Marcelo “in suburbio Legionense...ad portam Cauriensem” to León Santa María. “...Ouecus Sanctii...” confirmed the charter dated 8 Jan 978 under which King Ramiro III donated “Uillas de Asinos” to Sisnando Bishop of León. He confirmed a document dated 999. . A document records that “comite Oveco Sanxix” was buried in the monastery of San Miguel de Bárcena, which suggests that his parentage is probably correct as shown here as the monastery was founded by his supposed paternal grandparents. An undated charter at Corias records that “comite dompno Ouevo et...comitissa dompna Eilo” donated “in Neiraualle in loco...Palacio villa...Senias” on the marriage of “sue sobrine domine Legundie” [not yet identified]. 1