The Codex de Roda names "Regemundus de Fedenzac, et Oton, ac Fridolo, et Bernardo, at domna ---" as the children of "Gilelmo Garsies" and his unnamed wife, stating that the unnamed daughter was the mother of "domne Abe comitisse". Another passage in the Codex de Roda names "domna --- Gilelmo Garsias filia" as the wife of "Regemundus". The end 13th century “Crònica d’Alaó Renovada” names “Garsendis…de Gallis” as wife of “Regimundi…comes Ripacurcie”. “Regimundus…commes…et coniux mea Eresindis” donated property for the monastery of San Vicente by charter which is dated 1 Dec “anno regnante Leutario rege” and also quotes the date “957”. Her name is indicated by the undated charter under which “Unifredus comes” donated property “ad Stum Petrum de Lastanosa”, for the souls of “parente meo Raimundo comite et…matre mea Gersinde comittissa”.“Regimundus…commes…et coniux mea Eresindis” donated property for the monastery of San Vicente by charter which is dated 1 Dec “anno regnante Leutario rege” and also quotes the date “957”. 1